Diet Linked to Certain Cancers – News

Fried breakfast 

“Diet Linked to Certain Cancers… A diet high in meat or milk increases your risk for developing stomach or esophageal cancer… fruits and vegetables are well known for their abilities to protect against many forms of cancer including lung, colon, rectum, as well as stomach and esophageal cancers.”

“Study finds processed meat could cause pancreatic cancer”

“Study Links Processed Meats With Early Death… Processed meats may cause cancer, cardiovascular disease”

“Processed Meat Raises Risk Of Dying From Cancer And Heart Disease, Study Finds”

“Chicago ‘Hot Dogs Cause Butt Cancer… Meat Under Fire for Causing Cancer, Death”

“Bad diet a significant cause of preventable cancer”

“Stomach Cancer Linked to Red Meat: How Big Is the Risk?”

“Daily serving of red meat raises risk of cancer, heart disease”

“Processed meat ‘linked to pancreatic cancer'”

“Red meat increases death, cancer and heart risk, says study”


“Red Meat Increases Risk Of Cancer, Heart Disease And Death.”

“Eating processed meat causes cancer, say scientists”

“‘Hot Dogs Cause Butt Cancer,’ billboard warns Chicago residents of colorectal cancer risk and processed meats”

“Meat and Cancer.. Keep Cancer Off the BBQ Grill”

“Cancer risk from BBQ meat. Tips for safer and healthier grilling, from the Harvard Health Letter”

“Eating Meat May Raise Colon Cancer Risk” 

“Red Meat Lovers Have More Kidney Cancer”

“Breast Cancer Risk Linked To Red Meat, Study Finds”

“Study Links Red Meat To Cancer, Heart Disease”

“Scientists warn consumption of processed meat linked to cancer”


“Eating One Sausage Per Day Causes Cancer”

“Milk Causes Cancer”

“Drinking Lots Of Milk Can Cause Ovarian Cancer”

“Harvard study: Pasteurized Milk From Industrial Dairies Linked To Cancer”

“Hemp milk offers new alternative to dairy, soy products”

“Sugar is as addictive as cocaine, and causes obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease: Researchers. The sweet stuff is everywhere in the foods we eat: breads, yogurt, peanut butter”

“Food Dyes Linked to Cancer, ADHD, Allergies”

“Industrial chemicals found in food supply cause cancer”

“All-Natural Food Preservative Causes All-Natural Cancer”,17639/

Processed meat consumption and risk of cancer – Science

PHOTO: The PCRM has put up a billboard off the Eisenhower Expressway warning  Chicagoans that eating hot dogs can damage their health. A hot dog station is seen in this file photo.

“Processed meat consumption and risk of cancer: a multisite case-control study in Uruguay… The role of processed meat in the aetiology of several cancers was explored in detail… It could be concluded that processed meat intake could be a powerful multiorgan carcinogen.”

“Study Links Meat Consumption to Gastric Cancer” – National Cancer Institute 

“Eating processed meat causes cancer, say scientists… According to the World Cancer Research Fund, people should ideally eat no processed meat at all in order to minimise their cancer risk.”

“Processed meat and colorectal cancer: a review of epidemiologic and experimental evidence… Processed meat intake may be involved in the etiology of colorectal cancer… red meat can promote carcinogenesis…”

“Red and Processed Meat and Colorectal Cancer Incidence: Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies… Conclusions: High intake of red and processed meat is associated with significant increased risk of colorectal, colon and rectal cancers. The overall evidence of prospective studies supports limiting red and processed meat consumption as one of the dietary recommendations for the prevention of colorectal cancer.” 

 “Associations between red meat and risks for colon and rectal cancer depend on the type of red meat consumed… Cancer prevention guidelines recommend limiting intake of red meat and avoiding processed meat…  This study suggests that the risks for colon cancer and potentially for rectal cancer differ according to the specific red meat subtype consumed.”

“Red meat consumption and cancer: reasons to suspect involvement of bovine infectious factors in colorectal cancer… An increased risk for colorectal cancer has been consistently reported for long-time consumption of cooked and processed red meat.”

“Red meat and colorectal cancer: a critical summary of prospective epidemiologic studies.”

“Red meat and colon cancer: should we become vegetarians, or can we make meat safer? … meta-analyses show that high consumers of cured meats and red meat are at increased risk of colorectal cancer.”

“Red meat and poultry, cooking practices, genetic susceptibility and risk of prostate cancer: results from a multiethnic case-control study… Red meat, processed and unprocessed, has been considered a potential prostate cancer (PCA) risk factor… Our results support a role for carcinogens that accumulate in meats cooked at high temperatures as potential PCA risk factors…”

T-bone steak

“Heme iron from meat and risk of colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis and a review of the mechanisms involved… Red meat and processed meat intake is associated with a risk of colorectal cancer, a major cause of death in affluent countries. Epidemiological and experimental evidence supports the hypothesis that heme iron present in meat promotes colorectal cancer.”

“Meat Intake and Risk of Stomach and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Within the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)… We examined the risks of gastric cancer and esophageal adenocarcinoma associated with meat consumption… Conclusion: Total, red, and processed meat intakes were associated with an increased risk of gastric noncardia cancer… Meat consumption is a dietary factor that has been linked to several cancers…”

 “Egg, red meat, and poultry intake and risk of lethal prostate cancer in the prostate specific antigen-era: incidence and survival… Red and processed meat may increase risk of advanced prostate cancer… consumption of eggs may increase risk of developing a lethal-form of prostate cancer among healthy men.”

“Higher red meat consumption is associated with increased risk of all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality.”

 “Meat consumption and risk of colorectal cancer….prolonged high consumption of red and processed meat may increase the risk of cancer in the distal portion of the large intestine.”

“Meat, fish, and colorectal cancer risk: the European Prospective Investigation into cancer and nutrition… Current evidence suggests that high red meat intake is associated with increased colorectal cancer risk. High fish intake may be associated with a decreased risk… Our data confirm that colorectal cancer risk is positively associated with high consumption of red and processed meat and support an inverse association with fish intake.”

“Meat consumption, Cooking Practices, Meat Mutagens and Risk of Prostate Cancer… Consumption of red meat, particularly well done meat, has been associated with increased prostate cancer risk… These findings provide further evidence that consumption of processed meat and red meat cooked at high temperature is associated with increased risk of advanced, but not localized prostate cancer.”

“Meat consumption and mortality – results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition… The results of our analysis support a moderate positive association between processed meat consumption and mortality, in particular due to cardiovascular diseases, but also to cancer.”

Migraine Cure: Marijuana Gives Miracle Relief


“I guess I was a bit excited when I wrote this and my first article on the subject “Marijuana VS Migraines: Modern Medical Miracle” in June 30th 2008. Then I was excited about it because the best treatment I had used was Demerol and Benadry injections which knocked the patient out for at least a whole day. This is much better.

Recently in, a story appeared by Dr. Dianne Stafford, October 3rd 2012 entitled, “Not Just A Headache: Eleven Ways Not To Treat A Migraine”. I hoped that it would be some good stuff but it was a fizzling blah. She didn’t mention one treatment which was a good idea because there are some 20 different pharmaceuticals most of which don’t work for most people. For a migraine sufferer her list is worthless.

I don’t consider myself any great stuff about migraine therapy but I had a real opportunity in this regard when Oregon legalized marijuana for about 10 diseases including severe pain, spasms ( of smooth muscle such as blood vessels in the brain), and nausea and vomiting. Cannabis/marijuana works well for all of these. I must have ended up with about 50 migraine patients who had previously been prescribed or given dozens of poorly working drugs.

At the time no other physician/pharmacologist had published that cannabis/marijuana was effective for migraines, so I published my article. I received 32 responses on 8 pages from July 1st, 2008 till September 1st, 2011. Some are quite short but others are long extolling the effectiveness of cannabis/marijuana therapy. You can read my article and comments. I will reprint a few of the shorter ones:”


Marijuana for migraines – USAToday

“Does marijuana have medicinal value for migraine headaches and other maladies?

“There is no question that cannabis is beneficial medicinally,” Bearman says. With migraines, “some people say it makes the pain go completely away or can prevent migraines from coming on. Others say it lessens the pain and allows them to focus on other things to get their work done.”

What cannabis does to alleviate migraines is complicated and not completely understood. “But it works on serotonin and dopamine receptors, and has anti-inflammatory activity,” says Russo, who is just finishing a paper for the Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics.

“Basically, it is a multi-modality agent that works on various aspects of migraine in a way that’s really unique. And it’s not just the THC — tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive chemical — that does it. It appears now that it’s the result of the interaction of a combination of other cannabinoids and also the essential oils in the plant.”

Unlike most headache medications, cannabis is unique in that it works as both a preventive agent and an analgesic. “At any point in the migraine, they could use cannabis by smoking, vaporizer, etc., and about 80% of these people get significant or total relief,” he says. “And, if someone has a chronic migraine, daily use in whatever form will often lead to a complete remission.””

The Use of Marijuana or Synthetic Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Headache – MedScape

“Pharmacological preparations of cannabinoid compounds have a variety of therapeutic uses in medicine, including different pain syndromes, but have not been previously reported as beneficial for cluster headache.We present a patient with cluster headache who was refractory to multiple acute and preventive medications but successfully aborted his attacks with recreational marijuana use; subsequent use of dronabinol provided equally effective pain relief. The beneficial effect may be related to the high concentration of cannabinoid receptors in the hypothalamus, which has been implicated as a site of dysfunction in neuroimaging studies of patients with cluster headache.

The plant Cannabis sativa has a long history of medical use in the treatment of pain and spasms, the promotion of sleep, and the suppression of nausea and vomiting. However, in the early 1970s cannabis was classified in the Narcotic Acts in countries all over the world as having no therapeutic benefit; therefore, it cannot be prescribed by physicians or dispensed by pharmacists. In the light of this contradictory situation, an increasing number of patients practice a self-prescription with cannabis products for relieving a variety of symptoms.

  The majority of patients used natural cannabis products such as marihuana, hashish, and an alcoholic tincture; in just 5 cases dronabinol (Marinol) was taken by prescription…

 …this survey demonstrates a successful use of cannabis products for the treatment of a multitude of various illnesses and symptoms. This use was usually accompanied only by slight and in general acceptable side effects…”

Effects of anandamide in migraine: data from an animal model

“Endocannabinoid system seems to be involved in the modulation of NTG-induced hyperalgesia, and probably, in the pathophysiological mechanisms of migraine…

The study confirms that a dysfunction of the endocannabinoid system may contribute to the development of migraine attacks and that a pharmacological modulation of CB receptors can be useful for the treatment of migraine pain…

By combining our data with the findings available from the literature, we can hypothesize that a dysfunction of the endocannabinoid system may contribute to the development of migraine attacks and that a specific pharmacological modulation of CB1 and CB2 receptors may be useful for the treatment of migraine pain, without deleterious effects, as well as of specific associated symptoms (nausea, in primis).”

Full text:

Cannabinoids and hallucinogens for headache.

“Hallucinogens and most cannabinoids are classified under schedule 1 of the Federal Controlled Substances Act 1970, along with heroin and ecstacy. Hence they cannot be prescribed by physicians, and by implication, have no accepted medical use with a high abuse potential. Despite their legal status, hallucinogens and cannabinoids are used by patients for relief of headache, helped by the growing number of American states that have legalized medical marijuana.

Cannabinoids in particular have a long history of use in the abortive and prophylactic treatment of migraine before prohibition and are still used by patients as a migraine abortive in particular.

 Most practitioners are unaware of the prominence cannabis or “marijuana” once held in medical practice.

Hallucinogens are being increasingly used by cluster headache patients outside of physician recommendation mainly to abort a cluster period and maintain quiescence for which there is considerable anecdotal success.

The legal status of cannabinoids and hallucinogens has for a long time severely inhibited medical research, and there are still no blinded studies on headache subjects, from which we could assess true efficacy.”

Role of the cannabinoid system in the transit of beta-amyloid across the blood–brain barrier

“Emerging evidence suggests beta-amyloid (Aβ) deposition in the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brain is the result of impaired clearance, due in part to diminished Aβ transport across the blood–brain barrier (BBB). Recently, modulation of the cannabinoid system was shown to reduce Aβ brain levels and improve cognitive behavior in AD animal models…

 The purpose of the current studies was to investigate the role of the cannabinoid system in the clearance of Aβ across the BBB.

  The current studies demonstrate, for the first time, a role for the cannabinoid system in the transit of Aβ across the BBB.

These findings provide insight into the mechanism by which cannabinoid treatment reduces Aβ burden in the AD brain and offer additional evidence on the utility of this pathway as a treatment for AD.”

New Study: Cannabis Can Slow, Cure Alzheimer’s Disease

“A new study conducted by researchers at the Roskamp Institute in Florida, and published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, has found that cannabis can slow the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease, and may in fact be able to halt it entirely.”


“According to Corbin Bachmeier, Ph.D – who’s the lead researcher of the study – Alzheimer’s Disease is “the result of impaired Aβ [Amyloid-β protein] clearance from the brain”. According to this study, cannabis can solve this problem, making it a potential treatment…

This research validates past studies (including some presented earlier this year, as well as a 2006 study), though is the first to actually explain why cannabis can be beneficial to the disease.”


Marijuana May Be Legitimate Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease, Report Says

“Researchers at the Roskamp Institute in Florida recently published a study in the journal Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience revealing that cannabinoids could delay the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, and could quite plausibly terminate the disease entirely.”

medical marijuana alzheimers Marijuana May Be Legitimate Treatment for Alzheimers Disease, Report Says

“Corbin Bachmeier, Ph.D, lead researcher of the study, declared that Alzheimer’s disease is “the result of impaired Aβ [Amyloid-β protein] clearance from the brain”. According to this particular study, cannabinoids can resolve this problem, which makes it a prospective treatment.

Bachmeier’s examination determined that “modulation of the cannabinoid system was shown to reduce Aβ [Amyloid-β protein] brain levels and improve cognitive behavior in Alzheimer’s disease animal models.”

The study’s abstract states that the objective of the study was to “investigate the role of the cannabinoid system in the clearance of Aβ across the blood–brain barrier (BBB).”

For the first time in recorded history, the study in question establishes that the cannabinoid system does indeed play a role in the transit of Amyloid-β protein across the blood-brain barrier.

Bachmeier concluded that his discoveries “provide insight into the mechanism by which cannabinoid treatment reduces Aβ [Amyloid-β protein] burden in the AD [Alzheimer’s disease] brain and offer additional evidence on the utility of this pathway as a treatment for AD.”

This is good news for individuals suffering with this specific ailment and for their loved ones. Cannabinoids seem to be boundless in respect to the medicinal benefits they have to offer.”