“Extracts of the hemp plant cannabis are traditionally used as a popular remedy against inflammation. At the beginning of the last century this natural remedy was even available at every chemist’s. But due to the intoxicating effect of the component THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) the plant was taken off the chemist’s shelves in the 1930s.”
“Scientists from the University of Bonn have discovered in experiments with mice that Endocannabinoids play an important role in regulating inflammation processes. In their animal experiments, a solution with an important component made from cannabis reduced allergic reactions of the skin.”

“The results open up new options for the treatment of skin allergies and inflammation. Firstly, drugs which prevent the breakdown of endocannabin-oids look promising. But the old household remedy cannabis could also make a comeback as an ointment. In the experiment on mice this approach has already been successful. ‘If we dabbed THC solution on to the animals’ skin shortly before and after applying the allergen, a lot less swelling occurred than normal,’ Professor Thomas Tüting explains. ‘THC attaches itself to cannabin-oid receptors and activates them. In this way the active substance reduces the allergic reaction.’ Incidentally, ointment like this would probably not have an intoxicating effect, for this the amount of THC contained would be much too small.”