[Cannabinoid Drugs in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders – Data from the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices]

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“Background: Since 2017 physicians in Germany can prescribe cannabis based medicines or medical cannabis with subsequent funding by the statutory health insurance system.

Methods: Physicians prescribing cannabinoid drugs were legally required to take part in a survey conducted by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices. This study analyses data from 16.809 case reports that were collected from 30.3.2017 to 31.12.2021.

Results: There were 5582 cases documenting the use of cannabinoid drugs in psychiatric disorders. More than half of the prescriptions were Dronabinol. 80% of the treatments concerned somatoform disorders. Most of the treatments for other psychiatric disorders also targeted pain. Doctors reported a positive effect on symptoms in at least 75% of the cases.

Discussion: Most patients with psychiatric disorders received cannabinoid drugs for pain. The evidence from randomized controlled clinical trials for the use of cannabinoid drugs in psychiatric indications is weak.”



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