“Appetite stimulation via partial agonism of cannabinoid type 1 receptors by Δtetrahydrocannabinol (ΔTHC) is well documented and can be modulated by non-ΔTHC phytocannabinoids.
ΔTHC concentrations sufficient to elicit hyperphagia induce changes to both appetitive (reduced latency to feed) and consummatory (increased meal one size and duration) behaviours.
Here, we show that a cannabis extract containing too little ΔTHC to stimulate appetite can induce hyperphagia solely by increasing appetitive behaviours.
These results show only the increase in appetitive behaviours, which could be attributed to non-ΔTHC phytocannabinoids in the extract rather than ΔTHC.
Although further study is required to determine the constituents responsible for these effects, these results support the presence of non-ΔTHC cannabis constituent(s) that exert a stimulatory effect on appetite and likely lack the detrimental psychoactive effects of ΔTHC.”