Cannabidiol and addiction

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“Cannabidiol (CBD) has been investigated for several therapeutic applications, having reached the clinics for the treatment of certain types of epilepsies. This chapter reviews the potential of CBD for the treatment of substance use disorders (SUD). We will present a brief introduction on SUD and current treatments.

In the second part, preclinical and clinical studies with CBD are discussed, focusing on its potential therapeutic application for SUD. Next, we will consider the potential molecular mechanism of action of CBD in SUD. Finally, we will summarize the main findings and perspectives in this field.

There is a lack of studies on CBD and SUD in comparison to the extensive literature investigating the use of this phytocannabinoid for other neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as epilepsy. However, the few studies available do suggest a promising role of CBD in the pharmacotherapy of SUD, particularly related to cocaine and other psychostimulant drugs.”

“CBD has been extensively investigated as a potential treatment for numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders. In addition to its current use for the treatment of certain types of epileptic syndromes, extensive preclinical literature and a few clinical studies suggest its potential as an antipsychotic, anxiolytic, and antidepressant drug.”

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