Cannabidiol and Alzheimer’s disease

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“Alzheimer’s disease (AD) stands as the most prevalent form of neuropsychiatric disorder among the elderly population, impacting a minimum of 50 million individuals worldwide. Current pharmacological treatments rely on the prescribing cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine. However,recently anecdotal findings based on low-quality real-world data had prompted physicians, patients, and their relatives to consider the use of cannabinoids, especially Cannabidiol (CBD), for alleviating of AD symptoms.

CBD the primary non-psychotomimetic compound found in the Cannabis sp. plant, exhibits promising therapeutic potential across various clinical contexts. Pre-clinical and in vitro studies indicate that CBD could mitigate cognitive decline and amyloid-beta-induced neurodegeneration by modulating oxidative stress and neuroinflammation.

In addition, CBD demonstrates significant effects in promoting neuroplasticity, particularly in brain regions such as the hippocampus. However, the available clinical evidence presents conflicting results, and no randomized placebo-controlled trials have been published to date.

In conclusion, although pre-clinical and in vitro studies offer encouraging insights into the potential benefits of CBD in AD models, new and well-designed clinical trials are imperative to ascertain the clinical relevance of CBD use in the management of AD symptoms, especially in comparison to conventional treatments.”

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