Marijuana for Diabetic Control

“For centuries, cannabis sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, has been used as a folk remedy to relieve pain, improve mood, and increase appetite…

Much of what we know about cannabis comes from folktales and limited clinical observation. It was in this context that I was pleased to receive the submission published in this edition of The American Journal of Medicine, entitled “The Impact of Marijuana Use on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance Among US Adults.” This epidemiologic, observational study demonstrated that among diabetic patients who admitted to using marijuana, insulin resistance was decreased and diabetic control was improved. Penner et al analyzed data obtained during the National Health and Nutrition Survey between 2005 and 2010. They studied data from 4657 patients, of whom 579 were current users of cannabis, 1975 used cannabis in the past but were not current users, and 2103 had never inhaled or ingested marijuana. These patients had fasting insulin and glucose levels measured along with a test for insulin resistance.

 Remarkably, fasting insulin levels were reduced in current cannabis users but not in former or never users. Two additional observations were that waist circumference was smaller and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol blood levels were higher in current cannabis users.

These are indeed remarkable observations that are supported, as the authors note, by basic science experiments that came to similar conclusions…”

The Impact of Marijuana Use on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance among US Adults – The American Journal of Medicine

“There are limited data regarding the relationship between cannabinoids and metabolic processes. Epidemiologic studies have found lower prevalence rates of obesity and diabetes mellitus in marijuana users compared with people who have never used marijuana, suggesting a relationship between cannabinoids and peripheral metabolic processes. To date, no study has investigated the relationship between marijuana use and fasting insulin, glucose, and insulin resistance…


We found that marijuana use was associated with lower levels of fasting insulin and HOMA-IR, and smaller waist circumference…”

Novel study reports marijuana users have better blood sugar control

“Regular marijuana use is associated with favorable indices related to diabetic control, say investigators. They found that current marijuana users had significantly lower fasting insulin and were less likely to be insulin resistant, even after excluding patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Their findings are reported in the current issue of The American Journal of Medicine

Editor-in-Chief Joseph S. Alpert, MD, Professor of Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, comments, “These are indeed remarkable observations that are supported, as the authors note, by basic science experiments that came to similar conclusions.

“We desperately need a great deal more basic and clinical research into the short- and long-term effects of marijuana in a variety of clinical settings such as cancer, diabetes, and frailty of the elderly,” continues Alpert.” I would like to call on the NIH and the DEA to collaborate in developing policies to implement solid scientific investigations that would lead to information assisting physicians in the proper use and prescription of THC in its synthetic or herbal form.””

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Smoking Marijuana May Lower Diabetes and Obesity Risk

“Marijuana may lower the risk of diabetes, according to a new study that revealed people who regularly smoked marijuana had significantly better blood sugar control.”

marijuana, cannabis, drug, addiction, weed
“Researchers explained that regular marijuana users had significantly lower fasting insulin and were less likely to be insulin resistant, indicating they had better sugar control.

The study published in The American Journal of Medicine included data from 4,657 patients who had answered questions on drug use.  According to the study, 579 of the patients were current marijuana users, 1,975 had used marijuana in the past and 2,103 had never used.  Researchers measured all participants’ fasting insulin and glucose levels.

Researchers found that regular marijuana users had 16 percent lower fasting insulin levels than people who had never smoke marijuana.  Marijuana users were also more likely to have a smaller waist circumference.  Previous studies have linked a large waist circumference to diabetes risk.

The study also found that participants who reported using marijuana in the past had lower levels of fasting insulin and HOMA-IR and higher levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C).  However, these correlations were weaker in people who reported using marijuana at least once, but not in the past thirty days.  The findings suggest that the impact of marijuana use on insulin and insulin resistance exists during periods of recent use.

For centuries, marijuana has been used to relieve pain, boost mood and increase appetite.  Now, medical marijuana is often used by patients suffering cancer, multiple sclerosis and other painful conditions.

If the latest findings are confirmed, researchers said the study could lead to the development of new diabetes treatments using marijuana’s compound active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.

Past epidemiologic studies revealed that marijuana users had lower rates of obesity and diabetes mellitus compared to people who have never used the drug.  Researchers said that previous findings suggest a link between cannabinoids and peripheral metabolic processes, but the latest study was the first to look at the relationship between marijuana use and fasting insulin, glucose, and insulin resistance.

“It is possible that the inverse association in fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance seen among current marijuana users could be in part due to changes in usage patterns among those with a diagnosis of diabetes (i.e., those with diabetes may have been told to cease smoking). However, after we excluded those subjects with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, the associations between marijuana use and insulin levels, HOMA-IR, waist circumference, and HDL-C were similar and remained statistically significant,” researcher Dr. Elizabeth Penner, said in a news release.

“These are indeed remarkable observations that are supported, as the authors note, by basic science experiments that came to similar conclusions,” American Journal of Medicine editor-in-chief Dr. Joseph Alpert wrote in an accompanying editorial.

“We desperately need a great deal more basic and clinical research into the short- and long-term effects of marijuana in a variety of clinical settings such as cancer, diabetes, and frailty of the elderly,” continues Alpert.” I would like to call on the NIH and the DEA to collaborate in developing policies to implement solid scientific investigations that would lead to information assisting physicians in the proper use and prescription of THC in its synthetic or herbal form,” he added.”

Marijuana Decreases Diabetes Risk, More Studies Indicate

“Marijuana stimulates appetite while lowering insulin levels and insulin resistance.”

“Just a few days after news broke that marijuana appears to treat symptoms of Crohn’s Disease, now it appears weed smokers may enjoy a decreased risk of diabetes, according to the latest research showing “current marijuana use was associated with 16% lower fasting insulin levels” and 17 percent lower levels of insulin resistance. High insulin and insulin resistance can lead to type II diabetes.

The study by Elizabeth A. Penner, Hannah Buettner, Murray A. Mittleman – from University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Harvard School of Public Health and the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, respectively – also found “significant associations between marijuana use and smaller waist circumferences”. Obesity is a predictor of diabetes.

Over at The Atlantic, writer Lindsay Abrams collects the data showing that even though tokers eat an extra 600 calories a day on average, they have a reduced prevalence of obesity, and lower incidence of diabetes.

The implications are profound, considering each American carries around the equivalent of a spare car tire – leading to trillions of dollars in medical costs over the coming decades. The United States government considers marijuana a dangerous drug with no medical use. U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag aims to close every medical cannabis dispensary in the Bay Area, claiming all are illegal regardless of the will of California’s voters.

In the latest report, Penner, Buettner and Mittleman looked at 4657 adult men and women from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2005 to 2010. “Marijuana use was assessed by self-report in a private room. Fasting insulin and glucose were measured via blood samples after a 9-hour fast, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was calculated to evaluate insulin resistance.”

“579 were current marijuana users and 1975 were past users. In multivariable adjusted models, current marijuana use was associated with 16% lower fasting insulin levels (95% confidence interval [CI], −26, −6) and 17% lower HOMA-IR (95% CI, −27, −6). We found significant associations between marijuana use and smaller waist circumferences.”” 

Marijuana Users Have Better Blood Sugar Control – ScienceDaily

“May 15, 2013 — Regular marijuana use is associated with favorable indices related to diabetic control, say investigators. They found that current marijuana users had significantly lower fasting insulin and were less likely to be insulin resistant, even after excluding patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Their findings are reported in the current issue of The American Journal of Medicine.

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) has been used for centuries to relieve pain, improve mood, and increase appetite. Outlawed in the United States in 1937, its social use continues to increase and public opinion is swinging in favor of the medicinal use of marijuana. There are an estimated 17.4 million current users of marijuana in the United States. Approximately 4.6 million of these users smoke marijuana daily or almost daily. A synthetic form of its active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC, has already been approved to treat side-effects of chemotherapy, AIDS-induced anorexia, nausea, and other medical conditions. With the recent legalization of recreational marijuana in two states and the legalization of medical marijuana in 19 states and the District of Columbia, physicians will increasingly encounter marijuana use among their patient populations.

A multicenter research team analyzed data obtained during the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES) between 2005 and 2010. They studied data from 4,657 patients who completed a drug use questionnaire. Of these, 579 were current marijuana users, 1,975 had used marijuana in the past but were not current users, and 2,103 had never inhaled or ingested marijuana. Fasting insulin and glucose were measured via blood samples following a nine hour fast, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was calculated to evaluate insulin resistance.

Participants who reported using marijuana in the past month had lower levels of fasting insulin and HOMA-IR and higher levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). These associations were weaker among those who reported using marijuana at least once, but not in the past thirty days, suggesting that the impact of marijuana use on insulin and insulin resistance exists during periods of recent use. Current users had 16% lower fasting insulin levels than participants who reported never having used marijuana in their lifetimes.

Large waist circumference is linked to diabetes risk. In the current study there were also significant associations between marijuana use and smaller waist circumferences.

“Previous epidemiologic studies have found lower prevalence rates of obesity and diabetes mellitus in marijuana users compared to people who have never used marijuana, suggesting a relationship between cannabinoids and peripheral metabolic processes, but ours is the first study to investigate the relationship between marijuana use and fasting insulin, glucose, and insulin resistance,” says lead investigator Murray A. Mittleman, MD, DrPH, of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Unit at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston.

“It is possible that the inverse association in fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance seen among current marijuana users could be in part due to changes in usage patterns among those with a diagnosis of diabetes (i.e., those with diabetes may have been told to cease smoking). However, after we excluded those subjects with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, the associations between marijuana use and insulin levels, HOMA-IR, waist circumference, and HDL-C were similar and remained statistically significant,” states Elizabeth Penner, MD, MPH, an author of the study.

Although people who smoke marijuana have higher average caloric intake levels than non-users, marijuana use has been associated with lower body-mass index (BMI) in two previous surveys. “The mechanisms underlying this paradox have not been determined and the impact of regular marijuana use on insulin resistance and cardiometabolic risk factors remains unknown,” says coauthor Hannah Buettner.

The investigators acknowledge that data on marijuana use were self-reported and may be subject to underestimation or denial of illicit drug use. However, they point out, underestimation of drug use would likely yield results biased toward observing no association.

Editor-in-Chief Joseph S. Alpert, MD, Professor of Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, comments, “These are indeed remarkable observations that are supported, as the authors note, by basic science experiments that came to similar conclusions.

“We desperately need a great deal more basic and clinical research into the short- and long-term effects of marijuana in a variety of clinical settings such as cancer, diabetes, and frailty of the elderly,” continues Alpert.” I would like to call on the NIH and the DEA to collaborate in developing policies to implement solid scientific investigations that would lead to information assisting physicians in the proper use and prescription of THC in its synthetic or herbal form.””


Can marijuana beat diabetes?

“A new study has shown that marijuana smokers may have better control of their blood sugar, are skinnier and less likely to get diabetes than non-marijuana users!”

marijuna medicinal

“Anyone who has seen habitual users will attest to the fact that they usually are skinnier than others. The research published in the American Journal of Medicine showed that users were at a lower risk of insulin resistance and had lower fasting insulin levels. They also found that users to have lower waist lines, higher levels of good cholesterol or HDL. The research was conducted by scientists from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, the University of Nebraska and the Harvard School of Public Health.”

Read more:

Toke Up, Glucose Down: Marijuana Linked to Better Blood Sugar Control

“People who admitted using marijuana were found to have lower blood glucose levels and were less likely to be insulin resistant, according to the National Health and Nutrition Survey.

Smoking marijuana — even if the ensuing junk-food binge can’t be avoided — may mean you’re less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, according to research published in The American Journal of Medicine.”

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Cannabis may prevent development of type 2 diabetes

“A new study has revealed that smoking cannabis may help protect against type 2 diabetes after researchers in the US found that regular users of the drug have better blood sugar control …

Tests showed that current users had 16% lower fasting insulin levels and reduced insulin resistance than those who had never used cannabis . Non-users also had larger waistlines and lower levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL or ‘good’) cholesterol – both of which are risk factors for type 2 diabetes.”

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