Development and preliminary validation of the positive consequences of cannabis (PCOC) scale

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“Introduction: While extensive research exists on the negative consequences of cannabis use, there is a noticeable gap in the literature regarding positive consequences on patterns of cannabis use. The goal of the present study was to develop and test the psychometric properties of a novel scale, the Positive Consequences of Cannabis scale (PCOC) to assess positive outcomes of cannabis use among current adult cannabis users.

Methods: Participants (n = 768) were recruited through online platforms. The sample was predominantly non-Hispanic (92.3 %) male (62.92 %) with an average age of 29.08 years (SD = 6.10). A split half validation method was used to assess the factor structure of the PCOC scale. Data analysis also included Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to identify underlying factor structures of the PCOC, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to validate the factor structure, and the assessments of internal consistency and validity.

Results: The EFA identified a two-factor solution for the PCOC: Social and Psychological Consequences and Cognitive and Motivational Consequences. The CFA confirmed the validity of this factor structure with good model fit (χ2 = 321.33, p < 0.001; CFI = 0.95; TLI = 0.95; RMSEA = 0.038; SRMR = 0.048). Internal consistency coefficients for the PCOC subscales and total scale exceeded acceptable thresholds. A hierarchical regression model showed that both PCOC subscales were significantly associated with cannabis use frequency and quantity.

Discussion: The development and validation of the PCOC represent a significant advancement in assessing positive consequences in understanding cannabis use patterns, indicating that individuals who experience a range of positive effects are more likely to engage in more frequent and intense cannabis use.”

Unravelling the landscape of Cannabis craving pharmacological treatments: a PRISMA-guided review of evidence

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“Currently, few treatments are available for craving in general, and none of them have received approval for cannabis craving.

The objective of this review is to evaluate existing studies analysing treatments for cannabis craving and explore novel treatment possibilities for these patients.

The current pharmacological treatments largely involve off-label drug use and the utilisation of cannabinoid-based medications, such as combinations of THC and lofexidine, oxytocin, progesterone, and N-acetylcysteine.

These emerging treatments show promise and have the potential to revolutionise current clinical practices, but further investigation is needed to establish their efficacy.”

Cannabis sativa: origin and history, glandular trichome development, and cannabinoid biosynthesis

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“Is Cannabis a boon or bane? Cannabis sativa has long been a versatile crop for fiber extraction (industrial hemp), traditional Chinese medicine (hemp seeds), and recreational drugs (marijuana). 

Cannabis faced global prohibition in the twentieth century because of the psychoactive properties of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol; however, recently, the perspective has changed with the recognition of additional therapeutic values, particularly the pharmacological potential of cannabidiol.

A comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanism of cannabinoid biosynthesis is necessary to cultivate and promote globally the medicinal application of Cannabis resources. Here, we comprehensively review the historical usage of Cannabis, biosynthesis of trichome-specific cannabinoids, regulatory network of trichome development, and synthetic biology of cannabinoids.

This review provides valuable insights into the efficient biosynthesis and green production of cannabinoids, and the development and utilization of novel Cannabis varieties.”

“Historically, Cannabis use has encompassed various productive and religious purposes, playing a crucial role in diverse aspects of people’s lives.”

“Remarkable advancements in the cultivation of Cannabis plants with high-yielding cannabinoids and the reconstruction of cannabinoid production in microorganisms via metabolic engineering have been achieved.”

“In conclusion, Cannabis, an ancient medicinal plant with a longstanding history of global usage over millennia, can make a substantial transformative effect on human health in the future.”

“Cannabis sativa: Historical significance, genetic insights, and future potential in medicine and horticulture”

Cannabis use among cancer patients and survivors in the United States: a systematic review

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“Background: How cannabis products are being used by cancer patients and survivors in the U.S is poorly understood. This study reviewed observational data to understand the modes, patterns, reasons, discontinuation and adverse experiences of cannabis use.

Methods: PubMed and PsycINFO database searches were conducted between May 2022 and November 2022. Of the 1,162 studies identified, 27 studies met the inclusion criteria. The inter-coder agreement was strong (0.81).

Results: The majority of the studies (74%) were cross-sectional in design. Study samples were approximately equal proportions of men and women and majority White participants. The prevalence of cannabis use based on national samples ranged between 4.8% and 22%. The most common modes of cannabis intake were topical application (80%), smoking (73%), vaping (12%), and ingestion of edible products (10%). Younger age, male gender, being a current or former smoker, and higher socio-economic status were associated with greater likelihood of cannabis use. The main motive for cannabis use was management of symptoms due to cancer or cancer treatment such as pain, nausea, lack of sleep, and anxiety. A majority of the participants across studies reported that cannabis helped reduce these symptoms. Lack of symptom improvement, side effects such as fatigue and paranoia, cost, and social stigma were identified as some of the reasons for discontinuing cannabis use.

Conclusions: It appears that cannabis may help cancer patients and survivors manage symptoms. However, more longitudinal studies are needed to determine whether positive experiences of cannabis use outweigh adverse experiences over time in this vulnerable population.”

Perceptions in orthopedic surgery on the use of cannabis in treating pain: a survey of patients with spine pain (POSIT Spine)

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“Background: Back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Despite guidelines discouraging opioids as first-line treatment, opioids remain the most prescribed drugs for back pain. There is renewed interest in exploring the potential medical applications of cannabis, and with the recent changes in national legislation there is a unique opportunity to investigate the analgesic properties of cannabis.

Methods: This was a multi-center survey-based study examining patient perceptions regarding cannabis for spine pain. We included patients presenting with back or neck pain to one of three Orthopedic clinics in Ontario. Our primary outcome was perceived effect of cannabis on back pain, while secondary outcomes were perceptions regarding potential applications and barriers to cannabis use.

Results: 259 patients participated in this study, 35.3% (90/255) stating they used cannabis medically. Average pain severity was 6.5/10 ± 0.3 (95% CI 6.2-6.8). Nearly three-quarters were prescribed opioids (73.6%, 148/201), with oxycodone/oxycontin (45.9% 68/148) being the most common, and almost half of (49.3%, 73/148) had used an opioid in the last week. Patients estimated cannabis could treat 54.3% ± 4.0 (95% CI 50.3-58.3%) of their spine pain and replace 46.2% ± 6. 6 (95% CI 39.6-52.8%) of their current analgesics. Age (β = – 0.3, CI – 0.6-0.0), higher pain severity (β = 0.4, CI 0.1-0.6) and previous cannabis use (β = 14.7, CI 5.1-24.4) were associated with a higher perceived effect of cannabis. Patients thought cannabis would be beneficial to treat pain (129/146, 88.4%), and reduce (116/146, 79.5%) or eliminate opioids (102/146, 69.9%). Not considering using cannabis for medical purposes (65/150, 43.3%) was the number one reported barrier.

Conclusions: Patients estimated medical cannabis could treat more than half of their spine pain, with one in three patients already using medical cannabis. 79% of patients also believe cannabis could reduce opioid usage. This data will help support more research into cannabis for musculoskeletal pain.”

Risk of motor vehicle collision associated with cannabis and alcohol use among patients presenting for emergency care

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“Background: The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between cannabis and alcohol use and occurrence of motor vehicle collision (MVC) among patients in the emergency department (ED).

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of visits to EDs in Denver, CO, Portland, OR, and Sacramento, CA by drivers who were involved in MVCs and presented with injuries (cases) and non-injured drivers (controls) who presented for medical care. We obtained blood samples and measured delta-9-THC and its metabolites. Alcohol levels were determined by breathalyzer or samples taken in the course of clinical care. Participants completed a research-assistant-administered interview consisting of questions about drug and alcohol use prior to their visit, context of use, and past-year drug and alcohol use. Multiple logistic regression was used to estimate the association between MVC and cannabis/alcohol use, adjusted for demographic characteristics. We then stratified participants based on levels of cannabis use and calculated the odds of MVC across these levels, first using self-report and then using blood levels for delta-9-THC in separate models. We conducted a case-crossover analysis, using 7-day look-back data to allow each participant to serve as their own control. Sensitivity analyses examined the influence of usual use patterns and driving in a closed (car, truck, van) versus open (motorcycle, motorbike, all-terrain vehicle) vehicle.

Results: Cannabis alone was not associated with higher odds of MVC, while acute alcohol use alone, and combined use of alcohol and cannabis were both independently associated with higher odds of MVC. Stratifying by level of self-reported or measured cannabis use, higher levels were not associated with higher odds for MVC, with or without co-use of alcohol; in fact, high self-reported acute cannabis use was associated with lower odds of MVC (odds ratio [OR] 0.18, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.05-0.65). In the case-crossover analysis, alcohol use alone or in combination with cannabis was associated with higher odds of MVC, while cannabis use alone was again associated with decreased odds of MVC.

Conclusions: Alcohol use alone or in conjunction with cannabis was consistently associated with higer odds for MVC. However, the relationship between measured levels of cannabis and MVC was not as clear. Emphasis on actual driving behaviors and clinical signs of intoxication to determine driving under the influence has the strongest rationale.”

“Decades of research have established that alcohol increases the risk for motor vehicle collision (MVC) in a dose-dependent manner.”

“Cannabis alone was not associated with higher odds of MVC,”

Research progress on the cannabinoid type-2 receptor and Parkinson’s disease

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“Parkinson’s disease (PD) is featured by movement impairments, including tremors, bradykinesia, muscle stiffness, and imbalance. PD is also associated with many non-motor symptoms, such as cognitive impairments, dementia, and mental disorders. Previous studies identify the associations between PD progression and factors such as α-synuclein aggregation, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, and cell death.

The cannabinoid type-2 receptor (CB2 receptor) is a transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptor and has been extensively studied as part of the endocannabinoid system. CB2 receptor is recently emerged as a promising target for anti-inflammatory treatment for neurodegenerative diseases.

It is reported to modulate mitochondrial function, oxidative stress, iron transport, and neuroinflammation that contribute to neuronal cell death. Additionally, CB2 receptor possesses the potential to provide feedback on electrophysiological processes, offering new possibilities for PD treatment. This review summarized the mechanisms underlying PD pathogenesis. We also discussed the potential regulatory role played by CB2 receptor in PD.”

“Cannabinoids, as an emerging therapeutic agent, have attracted wide attention for their great potential in the treatment of various diseases.”

The Effect of Nabiximols on Driving Ability in Adults with Chronic Tic Disorders: Results of a Substudy Analysis of the Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled CANNA-TICS Trial

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“Background: The multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, phase IIIb CANNA-TICS (CANNAbinoids in the treatment of TICS) trial showed clear trends for improvement of tics, depression, and quality of life with nabiximols versus placebo in adult patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and other chronic tic disorders. Although in general nabiximols was well tolerated, it is unclear whether treatment using this cannabis extract influences driving skills in patients with chronic tic disorders. 

Methods: Here we report results of the “Fitness to Drive” substudy of the CANNA-TICS trial. The key endpoint was fitness to drive as a binary criterion with a computerized assessment at baseline and after 9 weeks of stable treatment (week 13) with nabiximols or placebo. A patient was considered unfit to drive according to the German Federal Highway Research Institute guidelines. 

Results: In the substudy, a total of 64 patients (76.6% men, mean±standard deviation of age: 36.8±13.9) were recruited at two study sites. The number of patients who were fit to drive increased from 24 (55.8%) at baseline to 28 (71.8%) at week 13 among 43 patients treated with nabiximols, and decreased from 14 (66.7%) to 10 (52.6%) among 21 patients who received placebo. The risk difference (nabiximols – placebo) was 0.17 (95% confidence interval=-0.08 to 0.43) in favor of nabiximols. Specifically, only 2 of 24 (8.3%) patients in the nabiximols, but 4 of 14 (28.6%) patients in the placebo group changed for the worse from fit (at baseline) to unfit (at week 13) to drive, whereas 8 of 19 (42.1%) patients in the nabiximols, and only 2 of 7 (28.6%) patients in the placebo group improved from unfit to fit. 

Conclusion: Treatment with nabiximols does not impair skills relevant to driving in those patients with tic disorders who were fit to drive at baseline and even improved fitness to drive in a subset of patients who were unfit to drive before start of treatment.”

The Neurotherapeutic Arsenal in Cannabis sativa: Insights into Anti-Neuroinflammatory and Neuroprotective Activity and Potential Entourage Effects

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“Cannabis, renowned for its historical medicinal use, harbours various bioactive compounds-cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. While major cannabinoids like delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) have received extensive scrutiny for their pharmacological properties, emerging evidence underscores the collaborative interactions among these constituents, suggesting a collective therapeutic potential.

This comprehensive review explores the intricate relationships and synergies between cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in cannabis. Cannabinoids, pivotal in cannabis’s bioactivity, exhibit well-documented analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects. Terpenes, aromatic compounds imbuing distinct flavours, not only contribute to cannabis’s sensory profile but also modulate cannabinoid effects through diverse molecular mechanisms. Flavonoids, another cannabis component, demonstrate anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties, particularly relevant to neuroinflammation.

The entourage hypothesis posits that combined cannabinoid, terpene, and flavonoid action yields synergistic or additive effects, surpassing individual compound efficacy. Recognizing the nuanced interactions is crucial for unravelling cannabis’s complete therapeutic potential. Tailoring treatments based on the holistic composition of cannabis strains allows optimization of therapeutic outcomes while minimizing potential side effects.

This review underscores the imperative to delve into the intricate roles of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, offering promising prospects for innovative therapeutic interventions and advocating continued research to unlock cannabis’s full therapeutic potential within the realm of natural plant-based medicine.”

Role of Cannabinoids in Oral Cancer

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“Cannabinoids have incited scientific interest in different conditions, including malignancy, due to increased exposure to cannabis. Furthermore, cannabinoids are increasingly used to alleviate cancer-related symptoms. This review paper aims to clarify the recent findings on the relationship between cannabinoids and oral cancer, focusing on the molecular mechanisms that could link cannabinoids with oral cancer pathogenesis. In addition, we provide an overview of the current and future perspectives on the management of oral cancer patients using cannabinoid compounds.

Epidemiological data on cannabis use and oral cancer development are conflicting. However, in vitro studies assessing the effects of cannabinoids on oral cancer cells have unveiled promising anti-cancer features, including apoptosis and inhibition of cell proliferation. Downregulation of various signaling pathways with anti-cancer effects has been identified in experimental models of oral cancer cells exposed to cannabinoids. Furthermore, in some countries, several synthetic or phytocannabinoids have been approved as medical adjuvants for the management of cancer patients undergoing chemoradiotherapy.

Cannabinoids may improve overall well-being by relieving anxiety, depression, pain, and nausea. In conclusion, the link between cannabinoid compounds and oral cancer is complex, and further research is necessary to elucidate the potential risks or their protective impact on oral cancer.”