“Background and aims: Conduct a pilot randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial for adults with subthreshold insomnia symptoms to examine the effectiveness of a cannabinoids supplement on sleep quality and health outcomes.
Methods: Adults with subthreshold insomnia symptoms (N = 20, Mage = 47.40) were randomized to either the Cannabinoids Supplement (CS) or Placebo Condition (PC) for 10 days. The CS was an oral soft gel that contained 3 mg Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, 6 mg cannabinol, 10 mg cannabidiol, and 90 mg of a proprietary food-grade terpene blend. Following a 2-week washout, they completed the alternate condition. The following validated questionnaires were collected at baseline and following each condition: Insomnia Severity Index, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Bergen Insomnia Scale, Profile of Mood States (POMS), Perceived Stress Scale, Pain and Sleep Questionnaire. Trait Anxiety Inventory, Flinders Daytime Fatigue, and Health-related Quality of Life Scale. Clinical trial registry number = ISRCTN 15022302.
Results: When compared to PC, the CS Condition had significantly improved sleep quality/efficiency, insomnia symptoms, and health-related quality of life, p < 0.05. Nonsignificant improvements for the CS compared to the PC were found for the POMS mood subscales of tension, anger, fatigue, depression, and vigor, as well as anxiety. The Esteem subscale improved significantly from Baseline to Post for the PC. Both the CS and PC Vigor improved significantly from baseline. Anxiety improved significantly from Baseline to Post for the CS. No adverse events reported.
Conclusion: This cannabinoid-based formulation was a well-tolerated oral supplement that may improve adults’ sleep quality/efficiency and health-related quality of life. Larger controlled trials are encouraged to examine the longer-term effects of this supplement in a variety of populations and environments.”