Trends and Socioeconomic Health Outcomes of Cannabis Use Among Patients With Gastroparesis: A United States Nationwide Inpatient Sample Analysis

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“Background: Although cannabis may worsen nausea and vomiting for patients with gastroparesis, it may also be an effective treatment for gastroparesis-related abdominal pain. Given conflicting data and a lack of current epidemiological evidence, we aimed to investigate the association of cannabis use on relevant clinical outcomes among hospitalized patients with gastroparesis.

Materials and methods: Patients with a diagnosis of gastroparesis were reviewed from the National Inpatient Sample (NIS) database between 2008 and 2014. Gastroparesis was identified by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes with patients classified based on a diagnosis of cannabis use disorder. Demographics, comorbidities, socioeconomic status, and outcomes were compared between cohorts using χ2 and analysis of variance. Logistic regression was then performed and annual trends also evaluated.

Results: A total of 1,473,363 patients with gastroparesis were analyzed [n=33,085 (2.25%) of patients with concomitant cannabis use disorder]. Patients with gastroparesis and cannabis use disorder were more likely to be younger and male gender compared with nonusers (36.7±18.8 vs. 51.9±16.8; P<0.001 and 52.9% vs. 33.5%; P<0.001, respectively). Race/ethnicity was different between groups (P<0.001). Cannabis users had a lower median household income and were more likely to have Medicaid payor status (all P<0.001). Controlling for confounders, length of stay, and mortality were significantly decreased for patients with gastroparesis and cannabis use (all P<0.001).

Conclusion: While patients with gastroparesis and cannabis use disorder were younger, with a lower socioeconomic status, and disproportionately affected by psychiatric diagnoses, these patients had better hospitalization outcomes, including decreased length of stay and improved in-hospital mortality.”

“Cannabis Use Disorder in Patients With Gastroparesis Associated With Better Hospitalization Outcomes”

Cannabis Use as a Protective Factor Against Overweight in HIV-Hepatitis C Virus Co-Infected People (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH Cohort)

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“Overweight is increasingly prevalent in people living with HIV (PLWH), and is a high risk factor for metabolic disorders in this population. PLWH co-infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) have a higher risk of metabolic disorders than their mono-infected counterparts.

The putative relationship between cannabis use and body weight found in the general population has never been documented in HIV-HCV co-infected people. We tested whether cannabis use is associated with body mass index (BMI), overweight, and underweight in HCV co-infected PLWH (N = 992). Mixed-effects linear and logistic regression models were used to study the association between cannabis use and the three outcomes over time.

After multivariable adjustment, cannabis use was inversely associated with BMI. Cannabis use was associated with a lower and higher risk of overweight and underweight, respectively. Cannabis use should be assessed and taken into account in the clinical management of the HIV-HCV co-infected population.”

Medical Cannabis Certification Is Associated With Decreased Opiate Use in Patients With Chronic Pain: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Delaware

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“Opioid medications are commonly used to treat chronic pain around the world. While these medications are quite effective at reducing pain, they can create opioid dependence and lead to further drug addiction. Long-term opioid use has significantly contributed to the “opioid epidemic” that is currently ravaging the United States, leading to opioid overdoses and unintentional deaths, particularly in Delaware.

Objective To determine if medical marijuana certification helps patients in Delaware with chronic pain reduce their opiate use.

Methods In this study, we examined individuals who were provided with legal; medical cannabis certifications in the state of Delaware between June 2018 and October 2019 and were concurrently being treated with opioid medications for chronic pain at a private pain management practice. Using a posthoc analysis, we conducted a retrospective cohort study on the individuals (n = 81) to determine if there was a decrease in their opioid use following medical cannabis certification. Opioid use was measured in morphine milligram equivalent (MME) through the Delaware prescription monitoring program (PMP) database.

Results Overall, the average change in prescribed opioid use was found to be -12.3 morphine milligram equivalent (MME) units when including all individuals (p < 0.00001). Among the included individuals with baseline opioid use, medical cannabis certification was associated with a 31.3% average decrease in opioid use (n = 63). When examining subgroups based upon pain location, individuals with neck pain displayed a 41.5% average decrease in MME (n = 27), while individuals with low back pain were observed to have a 29.4% decrease in opioid use (n = 58). Similarly, individuals with knee pain (n = 14) reduced their opioid use by 32.6%.

Conclusion The results display an association between medical cannabis certification and a decrease in opiate use among the study group individuals. This study suggests that medical cannabis use may help individuals to reduce their opiate requirements along with physician intervention. More research is needed to validate these findings with appropriate controls and verification of cannabis use.”

“The results of this study indicate that medical marijuana certification is associated with a decrease in prescription opiate use for chronic pain treatment and supports greater use of this adjunct treatment modality. Given the significance of opioid addiction in American society, any treatment or additional resource to reduce opioid overuse can aid in the multifactorial management of chronic pain. Although marijuana use causes a variety of side effects, the findings here suggest that the use of medical cannabis as an adjunct treatment for chronic pain may be beneficial to public health.”

Association between county level cannabis dispensary counts and opioid related mortality rates in the United States: panel data study

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“Objective: To examine county level associations between the prevalence of medical and recreational cannabis stores (referred to as dispensaries) and opioid related mortality rates.

Participants: The study used US mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention combined with US census data and data from on storefront dispensary operations. Data were analyzed at the county level by using panel regression methods.

Main outcome measure: The main outcome measures were the log transformed, age adjusted mortality rates associated with all opioid types combined, and with subcategories of prescription opioids, heroin, and synthetic opioids other than methadone. The associations of medical dispensary and recreational dispensary counts with age adjusted mortality rates were also analyzed.

Results: County level dispensary count (natural logarithm) is negatively related to the log transformed, age adjusted mortality rate associated with all opioid types (β=-0.17, 95% confidence interval -0.23 to -0.11). According to this estimate, an increase from one to two storefront dispensaries in a county is associated with an estimated 17% reduction in all opioid related mortality rates. Dispensary count has a particularly strong negative association with deaths caused by synthetic opioids other than methadone (β=-0.21, 95% confidence interval -0.27 to -0.14), with an estimated 21% reduction in mortality rates associated with an increase from one to two dispensaries. Similar associations were found for medical versus recreational storefront dispensary counts on synthetic (non-methadone) opioid related mortality rates.

Conclusions: Higher medical and recreational storefront dispensary counts are associated with reduced opioid related death rates, particularly deaths associated with synthetic opioids such as fentanyl. While the associations documented cannot be assumed to be causal, they suggest a potential association between increased prevalence of medical and recreational cannabis dispensaries and reduced opioid related mortality rates. This study highlights the importance of considering the complex supply side of related drug markets and how this shapes opioid use and misuse.”

“We studied county level associations between cannabis storefront dispensaries and opioid related mortality rates in the US between 2014 and 2018. Our study found that increased medical and recreational storefront dispensary counts are associated with reduced opioid related mortality rates during the study period. These associations appear particularly strong for deaths related to synthetic opioids such as fentanyl.”

Broad-spectrum cannabis oil ameliorates reserpine-induced fibromyalgia model in mice

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy

“Fibromyalgia (FM) is an idiopathic disorder characterized by generalized pain and associated symptoms such as depression and anxiety.

Cannabis sativa shows different pharmacological activities, such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and immunomodulatory. Associated with this, the use of an oil with low concentrations of THC can reduce the psychomimetic adverse effects of the plant. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the analgesic effect of broad-spectrum cannabis oil with low THC concentration in an experimental model of FM.

Mechanical hyperalgesia, thermal allodynia, depressive- and anxious-related behavior, and locomotor activity were evaluated after reserpine (0.25 mg/kg; injected subcutaneously (s.c.) once daily for three consecutive days) administration.

Our results showed that oral administration of broad-spectrum cannabis oil (0.1, 1, and 3 mg/kg, p.o.) in a single dose on the 4th day inhibited mechanical hyperalgesia and thermal allodynia induced by reserpine. Relevantly, treatment during four days with broad-spectrum cannabis oil (0.1 mg/kg, p.o.) reduced mechanical hyperalgesia 1 h after reserpine administration.

Intraplantar treatment with cannabis oil significantly reversed mechanical and heat thermal nociception induced by reserpine injection. Interestingly, spinal and supraspinal administration of broad-spectrum cannabis oil completely inhibited mechanical hyperalgesia and thermal sensitivity induced by reserpine. The repeated cannabis oil administration, given daily for 14 days, markedly mitigated the mechanical and thermal sensitivity during the FM model, and its reduced depressive-like behavior induced by reserpine.

In summary, broad-spectrum cannabis oil is an effective alternative to reverse the reserpine-induced fibromyalgia model.”

“In the present study, it was possible to observe that, regardless of the route of administration, broad-spectrum cannabis oil proved to be effective in reversing the mechanical hyperalgesia effects of the reserpine-induced fibromyalgia model. Furthermore, chronic treatment with broad-spectrum cannabis oil showed analgesic effects on mechanical hyperalgesia and heat allodynia and mitigated reserpine-induced passive stress-coping behavior and lower-self-care behavior in mice. Conjointly, our results point to broad-spectrum cannabis oil as a therapeutic alternative for the disorders caused by FM.”

Treatments perceived to be helpful for neuropathic pain after traumatic spinal cord injury: A multicenter cross-sectional survey study

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“Objective: To evaluate the perceived helpfulness of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions and their combinations for neuropathic pain (NeuP) and subcategories of NeuP after spinal cord injury (SCI).

Methods: Three hundred ninety one individuals at least one year post traumatic SCI were enrolled. A telephone survey was conducted to determine the pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments used in the last 12 months for each participant’s three worst pains, whether these treatments were “helpful”, and if currently used, each treatments’ effectiveness.

Results: Two hundred twenty participants (56%) reported 354 distinct NeuPs. Pharmacological treatments rated helpful for NeuP were non-tramadol opioids (opioids were helpful for 86% of opioid treated NeuPs), cannabinoids (83%), and anti-epileptics (79%). Non-pharmacological treatments rated helpful for NeuP were massage (76%), body position adjustment (74%), and relaxation therapy (70%). Those who used both opioids and exercise reported greater NeuP treatment helpfulness compared to participants using opioids without exercise (P = 0.03).

Conclusions: Opioids, cannabinoids, and massage were reported more commonly as helpful than treatments recommended as first-line therapies by current clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for NeuP after SCI (antiepileptics and antidepressants). Individuals with SCI likely value the modulating effects of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments on the affective components of pain in addition to the sensory components of pain when appraising treatment helpfulness.”

Evaluation of Sex Differences in the Potential of Δ 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, Cannabidiol, Cannabidiolic Acid, and Oleoyl Alanine to Reduce Nausea-Induced Conditioned Gaping Reactions in Sprague-Dawley Rats

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“Introduction: Cancer patients report nausea as a side effect of their chemotherapy treatment. Using the pre-clinical rodent model of acute nausea-lithium chloride (LiCl)-induced conditioned gaping-our group has demonstrated that exogenous cannabinoids may have antinausea potential. 

Materials and Methods: With the goal of evaluating the role of sex as a factor in pre-clinical research, we first compared the conditioned gaping reactions produced by varying doses of LiCl in male and female rats using the taste reactivity test (Experiment 1). 

Results: LiCl produced dose-dependent conditioned gaping similarly in male and female rats with the highest dose (127.2 mg/kg) producing robust conditioned gaping, with this dose used in subsequent experiments. Next, we examined the antinausea potential of THC (Experiment 2), CBD (Experiment 3), cannabidiolic acid (CBDA; Experiment 4) and oleoyl alanine (OlAla; Experiment 5) in both male and female rats. THC, CBD, CBDA, and OlAla dose dependently reduced conditioned gaping in both male and female rats in a similar manner. 

Conclusions: These results suggest that cannabinoids may be equally effective in treating nausea in both males and females.”

Self-reported cannabis use is not associated with greater opioid use in elective hand surgery patients


“Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of preoperative marijuana use on postoperative opioid use during the first three postoperative days (POD 1-3) after surgery, and on expectations of pain control, resiliency, and quality-of-life scores.

Methods: All patients presenting to a single institution undergoing elective hand or upper extremity outpatient surgery were asked to complete pre- and postoperative questionnaires. Preoperative questionnaires collected information on demographics, marijuana use, tobacco use, procedure type, self-assessed health, pain control expectations, and EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D) scores. At the first postoperative visit, patients self-reported opioid consumption from POD 1-3. Multivariate linear regression analysis was used to determine which patient characteristics were predictive of greater postoperative opioid consumption during POD 1-3.

Results: Self-reported marijuana users were younger, less healthy, and more likely to use tobacco compared to non-users. Marijuana users and non-users were comparable in their use of pain medication (including non-opioids), rates of chronic pain diagnoses, and self-reported pain tolerance. EQ-5D scores were lower in marijuana users than non-users (0.64 vs. 0.72). Marijuana users and non-users were prescribed comparable quantities of opioids during the first 14 days after surgery (176 ± 148 vs 115 ± 87). Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that lower preoperative EQ-5D scores, rather than marijuana use, were associated with increased opioid consumption during POD 1-3.

Conclusions: Preoperative marijuana use was not independently associated with increased opioid use during POD 1-3 after elective hand and upper extremity surgery; instead, an association with lower preoperative EQ-5D scores was identified.”

“Given the increasing prevalence of marijuana use in the USA, it is imperative that surgeons be able to counsel their patients on the effect of marijuana use on their postoperative recovery. The effect of marijuana use on hand surgery patients certainly merits further research.”

Benefits and Concerns Regarding Use of Cannabis for Therapeutic Purposes Among People Living with Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Research Study

Pain Medicine

“Objective: Although there is growing interest in medically authorized cannabis for chronic pain, little is known about patients’ perspectives. We explored perceptions of people living with chronic pain regarding benefits and concerns surrounding their use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes.

Setting: A hospital-based clinic in Hamilton and two community-based interdisciplinary pain clinics in Burlington, Ontario, Canada.

Methods: In this qualitative descriptive study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 13 people living with chronic pain who used cannabis therapeutically, living in Ontario, Canada. We used thematic analysis, with data collection, coding, and analysis occurring concurrently.

Results: People living with chronic pain reported important benefits associated with use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes, including reduced pain, improved functionality, and less risk of harms compared to prescription opioids. Most patients also acknowledged harms, such as grogginess and coughing, and there was considerable variability in patient experiences. Financial costs and stigma were identified as important barriers to use of cannabis.

Conclusion: Evidence-based guidance that incorporates patients’ values and preferences may be helpful to inform the role of cannabis in the management of chronic pain.”

Medical cannabinoids: a pharmacology-based systematic review and meta-analysis for all relevant medical indications

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“Background: Medical cannabinoids differ in their pharmacology and may have different treatment effects. We aimed to conduct a pharmacology-based systematic review (SR) and meta-analyses of medical cannabinoids for efficacy, retention and adverse events.

Results: In total, 152 RCTs (12,123 participants) were analysed according to the type of the cannabinoid, outcome and comparator used, resulting in 84 comparisons. Significant therapeutic effects of medical cannabinoids show a large variability in the grade of evidence that depends on the type of cannabinoid. CBD has a significant therapeutic effect for epilepsy (SMD – 0.5[CI – 0.62, – 0.38] high grade) and Parkinsonism (- 0.41[CI – 0.75, – 0.08] moderate grade). There is moderate evidence for dronabinol for chronic pain (- 0.31[CI – 0.46, – 0.15]), appetite (- 0.51[CI – 0.87, – 0.15]) and Tourette (- 1.01[CI – 1.58, – 0.44]) and moderate evidence for nabiximols on chronic pain (- 0.25[- 0.37, – 0.14]), spasticity (- 0.36[CI – 0.54, – 0.19]), sleep (- 0.24[CI – 0.35, – 0.14]) and SUDs (- 0.48[CI – 0.92, – 0.04]). All other significant therapeutic effects have either low, very low, or even no grade of evidence. Cannabinoids produce different adverse events, and there is low to moderate grade of evidence for this conclusion depending on the type of cannabinoid.

Conclusions: Cannabinoids are effective therapeutics for several medical indications if their specific pharmacological properties are considered. We suggest that future systematic studies in the cannabinoid field should be based upon their specific pharmacology.”

“Cannabinoids are effective therapeutics for several medical indications if their specific pharmacological properties are considered. We suggest that future systematic studies in the cannabinoid field should be based upon their specific pharmacology.”