Medical cannabis oil for benign essential blepharospasm: a prospective, randomized controlled pilot study

“Objective: To examine the efficacy and safety of medical cannabis in benign essential blepharospasm (BEB).

Methods: This is a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. All consecutive adult BEB patients who had been treated with BTX-A injections without success between 3/2019 and 2/2020 were recruited. The study patients were randomly allocated into a treatment and a control (placebo) group in a 1:1 ratio. The treatment group used cannabis drops and the control group used cannabis oil drops during the first 6 weeks of the study, and both groups were treated with the medical cannabis drops during the second 6 weeks. The cannabis dose was gradually increased for each patient depending upon effect and tolerability.

Results: Three patients were included in each group (treatment and control groups). The mean duration of spasm attack during the first 6 weeks was 4.29 min in the treatment group and 73.9 min in the placebo group (P < 0.01). During the last 6 weeks, the treatment group used an average of 6.27 drops and the placebo group used an average of 5.36 drops (P = 0.478). There were 61 spasm events in the treatment group and 94 spasm events in the placebo group (P = 0.05). The mean duration of spasm attack was 1.77 and 8.96 min, respectively (P < 0.01). The side effects were mild, and they included general fatigue, dry mouth, and insomnia.

Conclusions: Medical cannabis can be an effective and safe treatment for BEB as a second line after BTX-A injections when used for 3 months. No significant ocular or systemic side effects was associated with the treatment.”

The Effects of Consuming Cannabis Flower for Treatment of Fatigue

“Objectives: We measure for the first time how commercially available Cannabis flower products affect feelings of fatigue. Results: On average, 91.94% of people experienced decreased fatigue following consumption with an average symptom intensity reduction of 3.48 points on a 0–10 visual analog scale (SD = 2.70, d = 1.60, p < 0.001). While labeled plant phenotypes (“C. indica,” “C. sativa,” or “hybrid”) did not differ in symptom relief, people that used joints to combust the flower reported greater symptom relief than pipe or vaporizer users. Across cannabinoid levels, tetrahydrocannabinol, and cannabidiol levels were generally not associated with changes in symptom intensity levels. Cannabis use was associated with several negative side effects that correspond to increased feelings of fatigue (e.g., feeling unmotivated, couch-locked) among a minority of users (<24% of users), with slightly more users (up to 37%) experiencing a positive side effect that corresponds to increased energy (e.g., feeling active, energetic, frisky, or productive). Conclusions: The findings suggest that the majority of patients experience decreased fatigue from consumption of Cannabis flower consumed in vivo, although the magnitude of the effect and extent of side effects experienced likely vary with individuals’ metabolic states and the synergistic chemotypic properties of the plant.”

Δ 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ 9-THC) Improves Ischemia/Reperfusion Heart Dysfunction and Might Serve as a Cardioprotective Agent in the Future Treatment

“Background: Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is a pivotal mechanism of organ injury during clinical stetting for example for cardiopulmonary bypasses. The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during I/R induces oxidative stress that promotes endothelial dysfunction, DNA dissociation and local inflammation. In turn, those processes induce cytokine release, resulting in damage to cellular structures and cell death. One of the major psychoactive compounds of Cannabis is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), which is known as an anti-inflammatory mediator. Our research aimed to test if Δ9-THC may be protective in the treatment of cardiovascular system dysfunction arising from I/R heart injury.

Methods: Two experimental models were used: isolated rat hearts perfused with the Langendorff method and human cardiac myocytes (HCM) culture. Rat hearts and HCM underwent ex vivo/chemical in vitro I/R protocol with/without Δ9-THC treatment. The following parameters were measured: cell metabolic activity, morphology changes, cell damage as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, ceramide kinase (CERK) activity, ROS level, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and heart hemodynamic parameters.

Results: Δ9-THC protected the heart, as evidenced by the improved recovery of cardiac function (p < 0.05, N = 3-6). Cells subjected to I/R showed lower cytoplasmic LDH activity, and 10 μM Δ9-THC treatment reduced cell injury and increased LDH content (p = 0.019, N = 6-9). Morphology changes of HCM-spherical shape, vacuolisation of cytoplasm and swollen mitochondria-were inhibited due to Δ9-THC treatment. I/R condition affected cell viability, but 10 μM Δ9-THC decreased the number of dead cells (p = 0.005, N = 6-9). The total level of CERK was lower in the I/R group, reflecting oxidative/nitrosative stress changes. The administration of Δ9-THC effectively increased the production of CERK to the level of aerobic control (p = 0.028, N = 6-9). ROS level was significantly decreased in I/R cells (p = 0.007, N = 6-8), confirming oxidative stress, while administration of 10 μM Δ9-THC enhanced TAC in cardiomyocytes subjected to I/R (p = 0.010, N = 6-8).

Conclusions: Δ9-THC promotes the viability of cardiomyocytes, improves their metabolic activity, decreases cell damage and restores heart mechanical function, serving as a cardioprotective. We proposed the use of Δ9-THC as a cardioprotective drug to be, administered before onset of I/R protocol.”

Marijuana and Myocardial Infarction in the UK Biobank Cohort

“Background: Atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, acute coronary syndromes, and cardiac arrest have been attributed to marijuana. But the National Academy of Science’s 2017 Report, The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids, found limited evidence that acute marijuana smoking is positively associated with an increased risk of acute myocardial infarction, and uncovered no evidence to support or refute associations between any chronic effects of marijuana use and increased risk of myocardial infarct (MI).

Aims: We sought to determine the association of marijuana smoking with MI in the UK Biobank cohort. Because red wine is a mood-altering substance, we compared the effect of marijuana with red wine on MI incidence.

Methods: Our analysis included all subjects with MI. The diagnosis was ascertained using the 10th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD10 I21). Marijuana was recorded in UKB Category 143, medical conditions, marijuana use. Cigarette smoking information was from UKB Category 100058, smoking. To compare marijuana smoking with the effect of wine drinking we used data from UKB Category 10051, alcohol.

Results: With marijuana use, MI incidence decreased (p < 0.001, two tail Fisher exact test). Red wine was associated with lower MI incidence, although the incidence begins to rise at 11 or more glasses per week (p < 0.001, two tail Fisher exact test). Multivariate analysis was done with logistic regression, MI dependent variable, cigarette pack-years, diabetes type 2, sex, BMI, hypertension, marijuana use, age, red wine consumption, independent variables. Odds ratio (O.R.) 0.844 associated with marijuana use indicates that MI was less likely in marijuana users and was comparable to the effect of red wine (O.R. 0.847).

Conclusion: Marijuana, which has not been shown to have the favorable physiologic effects of red wine on the heart, does reduce MI risk to an extent comparable to red wine. Perhaps both affect the heart by reducing stress.”

Direct Regulation of Hyperpolarization-Activated Cyclic-Nucleotide Gated (HCN1) Channels by Cannabinoids

“Cannabinoids are a broad class of molecules that act primarily on neurons, affecting pain sensation, appetite, mood, learning, and memory. In addition to interacting with specific cannabinoid receptors (CBRs), cannabinoids can directly modulate the function of various ion channels. Here, we examine whether cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the most prevalent phytocannabinoids in Cannabis sativa, can regulate the function of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated (HCN1) channels independently of CBRs. HCN1 channels were expressed in Xenopus oocytes since they do not express CBRs, and the effects of cannabinoid treatment on HCN1 currents were examined by a two-electrode voltage clamp. We observe opposing effects of CBD and THC on HCN1 current, with CBD acting to stimulate HCN1 function, while THC inhibited current. These effects persist in HCN1 channels lacking the cyclic-nucleotide binding domain (HCN1ΔCNBD). However, changes to membrane fluidity, examined by treating cells with TX-100, inhibited HCN1 current had more pronounced effects on the voltage-dependence and kinetics of activation than THC, suggesting this is not the primary mechanism of HCN1 regulation by cannabinoids. Our findings may contribute to the overall understanding of how cannabinoids may act as promising therapeutic molecules for the treatment of several neurological disorders in which HCN function is disturbed.”

Cannabis sativa L. Bioactive Compounds and Their Protective Role in Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

“Cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) plants from the family Cannabidaceae have been used since ancient times, to produce fibers, oil, and for medicinal purposes. Psychoactive delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and nonpsychoactive cannabidiol (CBD) are the main pharmacologically active compounds of Cannabis sativa. These compounds have, for a long time, been under extensive investigation, and their potent antioxidant and inflammatory properties have been reported, although the detailed mechanisms of their actions have not been fully clarified. CB1 receptors are suggested to be responsible for the analgesic effect of THC, while CB2 receptors may account for its immunomodulatory properties. Unlike THC, CBD has a very low affinity for both CB1 and CB2 receptors, and behaves as their negative allosteric modulator. CBD activity, as a CB2 receptor inverse agonist, could be important for CBD anti-inflammatory properties. In this review, we discuss the chemical properties and bioavailability of THC and CBD, their main mechanisms of action, and their role in oxidative stress and inflammation.”

Anti-Inflammatory and Antiviral Effects of Cannabinoids in Inhibiting and Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Infection

“The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus made it necessary to search for new options for both causal treatment and mitigation of its symptoms. Scientists and researchers around the world are constantly looking for the best therapeutic options. These difficult circumstances have also spurred the re-examination of the potential of natural substances contained in Cannabis sativa L. Cannabinoids, apart from CB1 and CB2 receptors, may act multifacetedly through a number of other receptors, such as the GPR55, TRPV1, PPARs, 5-HT1A, adenosine and glycine receptors. The complex anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects of cannabinoids have been confirmed by interactions with various signaling pathways. Considering the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes excessive immune response and triggers an inflammatory cascade, and that cannabinoids have the ability to regulate these processes, it can be assumed that they have potential to be used in the treatment of COVID-19. During the pandemic, there were many publications on the subject of COVID-19, which indicate the potential impact of cannabinoids not only on the course of the disease, but also their role in prevention. It is worth noting that the anti-inflammatory and antiviral potential are shown not only by well-known cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD), but also secondary cannabinoids, such as cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) and terpenes, emphasizing the role of all of the plant’s compounds and the entourage effect. This article presents a narrative review of the current knowledge in this area available in the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science medical databases.”

Opioid-sparing effect of cannabinoids for analgesia: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical and clinical studies

“Cannabinoid co-administration may enable reduced opioid doses for analgesia. This updated systematic review on the opioid-sparing effects of cannabinoids considered preclinical and clinical studies where the outcome was analgesia or opioid dose requirements. We searched Scopus, Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials, Medline, and Embase (2016 onwards). Ninety-two studies met the search criteria including 15 ongoing trials. Meta-analysis of seven preclinical studies found the median effective dose (ED50) of morphine administered with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol was 3.5 times lower (95% CI 2.04, 6.03) than the ED50 of morphine alone. Six preclinical studies found no evidence of increased opioid abuse liability with cannabinoid administration. Of five healthy-volunteer experimental pain studies, two found increased pain, two found decreased pain and one found reduced pain bothersomeness with cannabinoid administration; three demonstrated that cannabinoid co-administration may increase opioid abuse liability. Three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) found no evidence of opioid-sparing effects of cannabinoids in acute pain. Meta-analysis of four RCTs in patients with cancer pain found no effect of cannabinoid administration on opioid dose (mean difference -3.8 mg, 95% CI -10.97, 3.37) or percentage change in pain scores (mean difference 1.84, 95% CI -2.05, 5.72); five studies found more adverse events with cannabinoids compared with placebo (risk ratio 1.13, 95% CI 1.03, 1.24). Of five controlled chronic non-cancer pain trials; one low-quality study with no control arm, and one single-dose study reported reduced pain scores with cannabinoids. Three RCTs found no treatment effect of dronabinol. Meta-analyses of observational studies found 39% reported opioid cessation (95% CI 0.15, 0.64, I2 95.5%, eight studies), and 85% reported reduction (95% CI 0.64, 0.99, I2 92.8%, seven studies). In summary, preclinical and observational studies demonstrate the potential opioid-sparing effects of cannabinoids in the context of analgesia, in contrast to higher-quality RCTs that did not provide evidence of opioid-sparing effects.”

In Vitro and In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Cannabis sativa Stem Extract

“With growing scientific interest in cannabinoids, a number of studies have focused on biological activities of cannabidiol and its major source, inflorescence and leaf of Cannabis sativa plant. However, recent analytical chemistry studies have reported the pharmacological significance of non-cannabinoid phytochemicals that are rich in other parts of the plant. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the anti-inflammatory effects of Cannabis extracts from plant parts of shelled seeds, roots, and stems containing no or trace amounts of cannabinoids. Among water and ethanol extracts from three plant parts, Cannabis stem ethanol extract (CSE) had the most potent free radical scavenging activities and suppressive effects on the production of nitric oxide from macrophages. In further studies using macrophages, CSE effectively inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory responses by suppressing proinflammatory cytokines, nuclear factor-κB and mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylations, and cellular accumulation of reactive oxygen species. Moreover, in mice exposed to LPS, CSE reduced tumor necrosis factor-α production and normalized activations of proapoptotic proteins in the liver, kidney, and spleen. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analyses of CSE showed several active compounds that might be associated with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Collectively, these findings indicate that CSE counteracts LPS-induced acute inflammation and apoptosis, suggesting pharmaceutical applications for the stem part of C. sativa.”

Potential cannabidiol (CBD) repurposing as antibacterial and promising therapy of CBD plus polymyxin B (PB) against PB-resistant gram-negative bacilli

“This study aimed to assess the ultrapure cannabidiol (CBD) antibacterial activity and to investigate the antibacterial activity of the combination CBD + polymyxin B (PB) against Gram-negative (GN) bacteria, including PB-resistant Gram-negative bacilli (GNB). We used the standard broth microdilution method, checkerboard assay, and time-kill assay. CBD exhibited antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, lipooligosaccharide (LOS)-expressing GN diplococcus (GND) (Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, Moraxella catarrhalis), and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but not against GNB. For most of the GNB studied, our results showed that low concentrations of PB (≤ 2 µg/mL) allow CBD (≤ 4 µg/mL) to exert antibacterial activity against GNB (e.g., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumannii), including PB-resistant GNB. CBD + PB also showed additive and/or synergistic effect against LOS-expressing GND. Time-kill assays results showed that the combination CBD + PB leads to a greater reduction in the number of colony forming units per milliliter compared to CBD and PB alone, at the same concentration used in combination, and the combination CBD + PB was synergistic for all four PB-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates evaluated. Our results show that CBD has translational potential and should be further explored as a repurposed antibacterial agent in clinical trials. The antibacterial efficacy of the combination CBD + PB against multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant GNB, especially PB-resistant K. pneumoniae, is particularly promising.”