Effects of Biomaterials Derived from Germinated Hemp Seeds on Stressed Hair Stem Cells and Immune Cells

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“Androgenetic alopecia is a genetic disorder that commonly causes progressive hair loss in men, leading to diminished self-esteem.

Although cannabinoids extracted from Cannabis sativa are used in hair loss treatments, no study has evaluated the effects of germinated hemp seed extract (GHSE) and exosomes derived from the calli of germinated hemp seeds on alopecia. Therefore, this study aimed to demonstrate their preventive effects against alopecia using various methodologies, including quantitative PCR, flow cytometry, ELISA, and immunocytochemistry.

Our research highlights the preventive functions of GHSE (GE2000: 2000 µg/mL) and exosomes from the calli of germinated hemp seeds (E40: 40 μg/mL) in three biochemical categories: genetic modulation in hair follicle dermal papilla stem cells (HFDPSCs), cellular differentiation, and immune system modulation.

Upon exposure to dihydrotestosterone (DT), both biomaterials upregulated genes preventing alopecia (Wntβ-catenin, and TCF) in HFDPSCs and suppressed genes activating alopecia (STAT15α-reductase type 1IL-15R). Additionally, they suppressed alopecia-related genes (NKG2DL, IL2-Rβ, JAK1, STAT1) in CD8+ T cells. Notably, E40 exhibited more pronounced effects compared to GE2000. Consequently, both E40 and GE2000 effectively mitigated DT-induced stress, activating mechanisms promoting hair formation.

Given the limited research on alopecia using these materials, their pharmaceutical development promises significant economic and health benefits.”


“Positive evaluations of these experiments in the future will be pivotal in advancing the development of new therapies for androgenic alopecia. Moreover, GE2000 possesses the advantage of being applicable to the development of various products, potentially serving as a bridgehead for the advancement of the hemp industry. This suggests that it could play a crucial role in revitalizing the future natural materials market.”


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