“The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is defined as the signalling system composed of: (1) the two G‐protein‐coupled receptors known as cannabinoid receptors of type‐1 and ‐2 (CB1 and CB2); (2) the two most studied endogenous agonists of such receptors, the endocannabinoids anandamide (N‐arachidonoyl‐ethanolamine) and 2‐AG (2‐arachidonoyl‐glycerol); (3) enzymes and other proteins regulating the tissue levels of endocannabinoids; and (4) enzymes and other proteins that, together with endocannabinoids, regulate the activity of cannabinoid receptors.
A key role of the ECS is emerging in the control not only of central and peripheral nervous system functions, but also of most aspects of mammalian physiology, including energy intake, processing and storage, the immune response, reproduction and cell fate.
The ECS is also subject to dysregulation, and this seems to contribute to the symptoms and progress of several diseases. Hence, the possibility of developing new therapies starting from our increasing knowledge of the ECS is discussed.”