Exploring the Possible Role of Cannabinoids in Managing Post-Cardiac Surgery Complications: A Narrative Review of Preclinical Evidence and a Call for Future Research Directions

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“Open-heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) often leads to complications including pain, systemic inflammation, and organ damage. Traditionally managed with opioids, these pain relief methods bring potential long-term risks, prompting the exploration of alternative treatments.

The legalization of cannabis in various regions has reignited interest in cannabinoids, such as CBD, known for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties. Historical and ongoing research acknowledges the endocannabinoid system’s crucial role in managing physiological processes, suggesting cannabinoids could offer therapeutic benefits in post-surgical recovery.

Specifically, CBD has shown promise in managing pain, moderating immune responses, and mitigating ischemia/reperfusion injury, underscoring its potential in postoperative care. However, the translation of these findings into clinical practice faces challenges, highlighting the need for extensive research to establish effective, safe cannabinoid-based therapies for patients undergoing open-heart surgery.

This narrative review advocates for a balanced approach, considering both the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids and the complexities of their integration into clinical settings.”



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