“Regular low dose cannabis smoking might keep Alzheimer’s away, according to marijuana research by professor Gary Wenk and associate professor Yannic Marchalant of the Ohio State Department of Psychology. Wenk’s studies show that a low dosage in the morning of a certain cannabinoid, a component in marijuana, reversed memory loss in older rats’ brains. In his study, an experimental group of old rats received a dosage, and a control group of rats did not. The old rats that received the drugs performed better on memory tests, and the drug slowed and prevented brain cell death.”
“Alzheimer’s is a disease unique to humans…, but rat brains are similar enough to human brains to serve as partial models for humans, Wenk said.
… marijuana is the first substance that has worked on older brains in experiments.”
Read more: http://alzheimers-review.blogspot.com/2009/11/medical-marijuana-as-effective.html