“Cannabinoids, acting through the CB1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1R), protect the brain against ischemia and related forms of injury.
This may involve inhibiting the neurotoxicity of endogenous excitatory amino acids and downstream effectors, such as nitric oxide (NO).
Cannabinoids also stimulate neurogenesis in the adult brain through activation of CB1R.
Because NO has been implicated in neurogenesis, we investigated whether cannabinoid-induced neurogenesis, like cannabinoid neuroprotection, might be mediated through alterations in NO production.” https://aggregator.leafscience.org/role-for-neuronal-nitric-oxide-synthase-in-cannabinoid-induced-neurogenesis/
“Nitric oxide negatively regulates mammalian adult neurogenesis.” http://www.pnas.org/content/100/16/9566.long
“Thus, cannabinoids appear to stimulate adult neurogenesis by opposing the antineurogenic effect of NO.” http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/jpet/319/1/150.full.pdf