Smokin’: Report finds marijuana has negligible effects on lungs

“According to a new study, habitual use of marijuana alone doesn’t appear to lead to significant abnormalities in lung function, nor does it increase the risks of COPD or either lung or upper airway cancer.”

“The pulmonary consequences of regularly smoking marijuana are far less than for tobacco, according a review of the published evidence conducted by Dr. Donald P. Tashkin, emeritus professor of medicine and medical director of the pulmonary function laboratory at the University of California, Los Angeles. “




Prevention of carcinogenesis by tea polyphenols – Science

Green Tea

“Prevention of carcinogenesis by tea polyphenols… Tea has been considered a medicine and healthful beverage for ages. The beneficial effects of tea are thought to be due to its polyphenolic components….Tea is one of the few chemopreventive agents known to have protective effects at different stages of the carcinogenic process….”

“Tea and tea polyphenols in cancer prevention… The inhibitory action of tea (Camellia sinensis) and tea components against cancer formation has been demonstrated in different animal models involving different organ sites in many laboratories… tea polyphenols affect signal transduction pathways, inhibit cell proliferation and induce apoptosis,”

“Polyphenols as cancer chemopreventive agents.”

“Mechanisms of inhibition of carcinogenesis by tea.”

“Antioxidative and anti-carcinogenic activities of tea polyphenols” 

“Cancer chemopreventive activity and bioavailability of tea and tea polyphenols… Consumption of tea has been associated with many health benefits including the prevention of cancer.”

“Chemopreventive and therapeutic potential of tea polyphenols in hepatocellular cancer.”

“Cancer chemoprevention by tea polyphenols… Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages, second only to water… inhibitory effects of tea against carcinogenesis… tea polyphenols function as cancer chemopreventive agents”

“Tea antioxidants in cancer chemoprevention… properties of tea polyphenols make them effective chemopreventive agents against the initiation, promotion, and progression stages of multistage carcinogenesis.” 

“Chemopreventive potential of flavonoids in oral squamous cell carcinoma in human studies… These flavonoids, abundant in green tea and black raspberries, respectively, represent promising chemopreventive agents in human oral cancer.” 

Cancer prevention by tea: Evidence from laboratory studies… The cancer preventive activities of tea (Camellia sinensis Theaceae) have been studied extensively. Inhibition of tumorigenesis by green tea extracts and tea polyphenols has been demonstrated in different animal models, including those for cancers of the skin, lung, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, bladder, liver, pancreas, prostate, and mammary glands.”

“Comparative antimutagenic and anticancer activity of three fractions of black tea polyphenols thearubigins.”

“Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of standardized herbal extracts.”

“[Anti-inflammatory effects of tea-flavonoids]… Tea flavonoids belong to the large group of polyphenols and display antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and anti-neoplastic activities… Dietary supplementation with specific tea-flavonoids… could ultimately lead to inhibition of carcinogenesis.”

“Tea and health: Studies in humans.”

“Prevention of chronic diseases by tea: possible mechanisms and human relevance.”

“Active extracts of black tea (Camellia Sinensis) induce apoptosis of PC-3 prostate cancer cells via mitochondrial dysfunction… Many studies have shown that black tea reduces the risk of several types of cancer… these findings suggest that black tea could act as an effective anti-proliferative agent…”

“Epicatechins Purified from Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Differentially Suppress Growth of Gender-Dependent Human Cancer Cell Lines.”

“Effects of green tea, black tea, and coffee consumption on the risk of esophageal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.”

“Protective effect of green tea on the risks of chronic gastritis and stomach cancer.”

“The antioxidant and pro-oxidant activities of green tea polyphenols: a role in cancer prevention.”

“Growth inhibition of Walker carcinosarcoma 256 with alcoholic extract of green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis).”

“Health-promoting effects of green tea… anti-cancer, anti-obesity, anti-atherosclerotic, anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral…”

“Meta-analysis of Green Tea Drinking and the Prevalence of Gynecological Tumors in Women… Our analysis indicates that drinking green tea can significantly decrease the risk of ovarian cancer.”

“Polyphenols in brewed green tea inhibit prostate tumor xenograft growth by localizing to the tumor and decreasing oxidative stress and angiogenesis… administration of green tea (GT) extracts in drinking water can inhibit tumor growth…”

“Medicinal benefits of green tea: Part I. Review of noncancer health benefits.”

“Medicinal benefits of green tea: part II. review of anticancer properties.”

“Green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract and its possible role in the prevention of cancer.”

“Green tea (Camellia sinensis) and cancer prevention: a systematic review of randomized trials and epidemiological studies”

“Green tea (Camellia sinensis) for the prevention of cancer.”

“Green tea prevents non-melanoma skin cancer by enhancing DNA repair.”

“Green tea inhibits cycolooxygenase-2 in non-small cell lung cancer cells through the induction of Annexin-1.”

“Green tea for ovarian cancer prevention and treatment: a systematic review of the in vitro, in vivo and epidemiological studies.”

“Green tea: an effective synergist with anticancer drugs for tertiary cancer prevention.”

“Medicinal Cannabis Does Not Influence the Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Irinotecan and Docetaxel… Coadministration of medicinal cannabis, as herbal tea, in cancer patients treated with irinotecan or docetaxel does not significantly influence the plasma pharmacokinetics of these drugs… medicinal cannabis can be administered concomitantly with both anticancer agents without dose adjustments.”

Marijuana Compound Shows Promise In Fighting Breast Cancer

“A compound found in cannabis may prove to be effective at helping stop the spread of breast cancer cells throughout the body.”


“The study, by scientists at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute, is raising hope that CBD, a compound found in Cannabis sativa, could be the first non-toxic agent to show promise in treating metastatic forms of breast cancer.”

“Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells”

Diet Linked to Certain Cancers – News

Fried breakfast 

“Diet Linked to Certain Cancers… A diet high in meat or milk increases your risk for developing stomach or esophageal cancer… fruits and vegetables are well known for their abilities to protect against many forms of cancer including lung, colon, rectum, as well as stomach and esophageal cancers.”

“Study finds processed meat could cause pancreatic cancer”

“Study Links Processed Meats With Early Death… Processed meats may cause cancer, cardiovascular disease”

“Processed Meat Raises Risk Of Dying From Cancer And Heart Disease, Study Finds”

“Chicago ‘Hot Dogs Cause Butt Cancer… Meat Under Fire for Causing Cancer, Death”

“Bad diet a significant cause of preventable cancer”

“Stomach Cancer Linked to Red Meat: How Big Is the Risk?”

“Daily serving of red meat raises risk of cancer, heart disease”

“Processed meat ‘linked to pancreatic cancer'”

“Red meat increases death, cancer and heart risk, says study”


“Red Meat Increases Risk Of Cancer, Heart Disease And Death.”

“Eating processed meat causes cancer, say scientists”

“‘Hot Dogs Cause Butt Cancer,’ billboard warns Chicago residents of colorectal cancer risk and processed meats”

“Meat and Cancer.. Keep Cancer Off the BBQ Grill”

“Cancer risk from BBQ meat. Tips for safer and healthier grilling, from the Harvard Health Letter”

“Eating Meat May Raise Colon Cancer Risk” 

“Red Meat Lovers Have More Kidney Cancer”

“Breast Cancer Risk Linked To Red Meat, Study Finds”

“Study Links Red Meat To Cancer, Heart Disease”

“Scientists warn consumption of processed meat linked to cancer”


“Eating One Sausage Per Day Causes Cancer”

“Milk Causes Cancer”

“Drinking Lots Of Milk Can Cause Ovarian Cancer”

“Harvard study: Pasteurized Milk From Industrial Dairies Linked To Cancer”

“Hemp milk offers new alternative to dairy, soy products”

“Sugar is as addictive as cocaine, and causes obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease: Researchers. The sweet stuff is everywhere in the foods we eat: breads, yogurt, peanut butter”

“Food Dyes Linked to Cancer, ADHD, Allergies”

“Industrial chemicals found in food supply cause cancer”

“All-Natural Food Preservative Causes All-Natural Cancer”,17639/

Processed meat consumption and risk of cancer – Science

PHOTO: The PCRM has put up a billboard off the Eisenhower Expressway warning  Chicagoans that eating hot dogs can damage their health. A hot dog station is seen in this file photo.

“Processed meat consumption and risk of cancer: a multisite case-control study in Uruguay… The role of processed meat in the aetiology of several cancers was explored in detail… It could be concluded that processed meat intake could be a powerful multiorgan carcinogen.”

“Study Links Meat Consumption to Gastric Cancer” – National Cancer Institute 

“Eating processed meat causes cancer, say scientists… According to the World Cancer Research Fund, people should ideally eat no processed meat at all in order to minimise their cancer risk.”

“Processed meat and colorectal cancer: a review of epidemiologic and experimental evidence… Processed meat intake may be involved in the etiology of colorectal cancer… red meat can promote carcinogenesis…”

“Red and Processed Meat and Colorectal Cancer Incidence: Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies… Conclusions: High intake of red and processed meat is associated with significant increased risk of colorectal, colon and rectal cancers. The overall evidence of prospective studies supports limiting red and processed meat consumption as one of the dietary recommendations for the prevention of colorectal cancer.” 

 “Associations between red meat and risks for colon and rectal cancer depend on the type of red meat consumed… Cancer prevention guidelines recommend limiting intake of red meat and avoiding processed meat…  This study suggests that the risks for colon cancer and potentially for rectal cancer differ according to the specific red meat subtype consumed.”

“Red meat consumption and cancer: reasons to suspect involvement of bovine infectious factors in colorectal cancer… An increased risk for colorectal cancer has been consistently reported for long-time consumption of cooked and processed red meat.”

“Red meat and colorectal cancer: a critical summary of prospective epidemiologic studies.”

“Red meat and colon cancer: should we become vegetarians, or can we make meat safer? … meta-analyses show that high consumers of cured meats and red meat are at increased risk of colorectal cancer.”

“Red meat and poultry, cooking practices, genetic susceptibility and risk of prostate cancer: results from a multiethnic case-control study… Red meat, processed and unprocessed, has been considered a potential prostate cancer (PCA) risk factor… Our results support a role for carcinogens that accumulate in meats cooked at high temperatures as potential PCA risk factors…”

T-bone steak

“Heme iron from meat and risk of colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis and a review of the mechanisms involved… Red meat and processed meat intake is associated with a risk of colorectal cancer, a major cause of death in affluent countries. Epidemiological and experimental evidence supports the hypothesis that heme iron present in meat promotes colorectal cancer.”

“Meat Intake and Risk of Stomach and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Within the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)… We examined the risks of gastric cancer and esophageal adenocarcinoma associated with meat consumption… Conclusion: Total, red, and processed meat intakes were associated with an increased risk of gastric noncardia cancer… Meat consumption is a dietary factor that has been linked to several cancers…”

 “Egg, red meat, and poultry intake and risk of lethal prostate cancer in the prostate specific antigen-era: incidence and survival… Red and processed meat may increase risk of advanced prostate cancer… consumption of eggs may increase risk of developing a lethal-form of prostate cancer among healthy men.”

“Higher red meat consumption is associated with increased risk of all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality.”

 “Meat consumption and risk of colorectal cancer….prolonged high consumption of red and processed meat may increase the risk of cancer in the distal portion of the large intestine.”

“Meat, fish, and colorectal cancer risk: the European Prospective Investigation into cancer and nutrition… Current evidence suggests that high red meat intake is associated with increased colorectal cancer risk. High fish intake may be associated with a decreased risk… Our data confirm that colorectal cancer risk is positively associated with high consumption of red and processed meat and support an inverse association with fish intake.”

“Meat consumption, Cooking Practices, Meat Mutagens and Risk of Prostate Cancer… Consumption of red meat, particularly well done meat, has been associated with increased prostate cancer risk… These findings provide further evidence that consumption of processed meat and red meat cooked at high temperature is associated with increased risk of advanced, but not localized prostate cancer.”

“Meat consumption and mortality – results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition… The results of our analysis support a moderate positive association between processed meat consumption and mortality, in particular due to cardiovascular diseases, but also to cancer.”

Using Berries to Fight Cancer

“Blackberry, black raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, red raspberry, and strawberry extracts inhibit growth and stimulate apoptosis of human cancer cells in vitro.”

“Using Berries to Fight Cancer”

“Blueberries fight aggressive breast cancer”

“Pterostilbene, a bioactive component of blueberries, suppresses the generation of breast cancer stem cells within tumor microenvironment and metastasis via modulating NF-κB/microRNA 448 circuit.”

“Blueberry Phytochemicals Inhibit Growth and Metastatic Potential of MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells Through Modulation of the Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Pathway”

“Blueberry anthocyanins and pyruvic acid adducts: anticancer properties in breast cancer cell lines.”

“Inhibition of estrogen-mediated mammary tumorigenesis by blueberry and black raspberry.”

“Antioxidant levels and inhibition of cancer cell proliferation in vitro by extracts from organically and conventionally cultivated strawberries.” 

“Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and suppression of TNF-induced activation of NFkappaB by edible berry juice.”

“Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation in vitro by fruit and berry extracts and correlations with antioxidant levels.”

“Chemopreventive agents in black raspberries identified”

“Cancer Prevention with Freeze-dried Berries and Berry Components”

“Foodstuffs for Preventing Cancer: The Preclinical and Clinical Development of Berries”

“Laboratory and clinical studies of cancer chemoprevention by antioxidants in berries”

“Evaluation of inhibition of cancer cell proliferation in vitro with different berries and correlation with their antioxidant levels by advanced analytical methods.”

“Biological activities of berries: from antioxidant capacity to anti-cancer effects.”


“Black Raspberries Slow Cancer By Altering Hundreds Of Genes”

“Black Raspberries May Prevent Colon Cancer, Study Finds”

“Black Raspberry-Derived Anthocyanins Demethylate Tumor Suppressor Genes Through the Inhibition of DNMT1 and DNMT3B in Colon Cancer Cells”

“Inhibition of Benzo(a)pyrene Diol-Epoxide-induced Transactivation of Activated Protein 1 and Nuclear Factor κB by Black Raspberry Extracts”

“Black raspberries prevent colorectal cancer in mice”

“Molecular mechanisms involved in chemoprevention of black raspberry extracts: from transcription factors to their target genes.” 

“Inhibition of the growth of premalignant and malignant human oral cell lines by extracts and components of black raspberries.”

“A black raspberry extract inhibits proliferation and regulates apoptosis in cervical cancer cells.”

“Effect of black raspberry ( Rubus occidentalis L.) extract variation conditioned by cultivar, production site, and fruit maturity stage on colon cancer cell proliferation.”

Alcohol-cancer link stronger than ever – News

“Alcohol-cancer link stronger than ever”

“Study supports alcohol, breast cancer link”

“Alcohol Use Linked to More Cancers”!

“The Alcoholic-Cancer Link: Study Shows Even One Drink a Day Could Be Risky”

“Alcohol Behind Rise in Breast Cancer Among Women”

“Alcohol Linked to Cancer Risk in Women. Study Shows Even Low-to-Moderate Drinking Raises Risk of Cancer.”

“Why Drinking Alcohol Is Linked to Breast Cancer”

“Alcohol And Genetic Factors Linked To Breast Cancer Risk”

“Alcohol Linked to Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Study Finds”

“Many cancer deaths traced to alcohol”

“Light drinking linked to breast cancer risk”

“Moderate Drinking Linked to Breast Cancer”

“Heavy Drinking Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer”

“Many Cancer Deaths Traced to Alcohol”

“Alcohol Plays A Huge Role In Cancer Deaths In The U.S.”

“Study Shows Link Between Alcohol & Breast Cancer”

“Alcohol Consumption Boosts Breast Cancer Risk”

“Even Moderate Drinking Can Boost Chance of Breast Cancer Recurrence”

“Breast cancer link to small amount of alcohol”

“Alcohol link to bowel cancer risk”

“Alcohol Linked To Breast Cancer”

“Light drinking linked to breast cancer risk”

“Review describes link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer”

“Breast cancer leading cause of alcohol-attributable death in New Zealand women”

“Alcoholism is linked to higher rates of general and cancer-related deaths”

“Smoking, heavy drinking linked to earlier onset of pancreatic cancer”

“Heavy alcohol consumption linked to lung cancer”

“Alcohol Use Linked to Risk for Hormone-Sensitive Breast Cancers”

“Alcohol Linked to Colorectal Cancer Risk”

“Heavy Alcohol Use Linked to Colon Cancer Risk”

“Link Between Pancreatic Cancer and Alcohol, Tobacco Use”

“Heavy Drinking Linked to Pancreatic Cancer”

“No Amount of Alcohol Is Safe. “Responsible drinking” has become a 21st-century mantra for how most people view alcohol consumption. But when it comes to cancer, no amount of alcohol is safe.”

“Even moderate drinking may substantially raise risk of dying from cancer: study”

“Light drinking linked to breast cancer, study finds”

“A Drink a Day Raises Cancer Risk, Study Says”

“Even a drink a day boosts cancer death risk, alcohol study finds”

“Drinking linked to endometrial cancer risk”

“Does drinking alcohol increase the risk of cancer? Overall, alcohol consumption is one of the top 10 contributors to sickness and death from injuries, motor vehicle crashes, homicides and suicides, sexual assaults, sexually transmitted infections from unsafe sex, falls, birth defects, depression, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and sleep disorders. Additionally, there is a lot of evidence that drinking alcohol increases the risk of several cancers.”

“Alcohol and Breast Cancer Risk: New Findings… Epidemiological studies have consistently found that heavy drinking can increase the risk of liver, head and neck, and esophageal cancers, and even moderate drinking has been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer.”

“Marijuana… Cannabis sativais an annual plant that grows wild in warm and tropical climates throughout the world and is cultivated commercially. The leaves and buds of the plant have been used in herbal remedies for centuries… As of 2012, there are reports online suggesting that marijuana oil or “hemp” oil can cure cancer, as well as diabetes, ulcers, arthritis, migraines, insomnia, infections, and many other diseases.”

Alcohol causes cancer, and here’s the evidence:

Alcohol causes at least seven types of cancer

“Alcohol causes cancer, and here’s the evidence… Many of us are aware of the short-term effects of drinking too much – feeling sick, a hangover, a spot of embarrassment, a vague but hard-to-pin-down sense of guilt – but the long-term effects often slip under the radar. These include a higher risk of many cancers, heart disease, stroke and more.”   

“ALCOHOL AND CANCER… Epidemiological data have identified chronic alcohol consumption as a significant risk factor for upper alimentary tract cancer, including cancer of the oropharynx, larynx and the oesophagus and of the liver.”

“Molecular mechanisms of alcohol-mediated carcinogenesis… Although the mechanisms for alcohol-associated carcinogenesis are not completely understood, most recent research has focused on acetaldehyde, the first and most toxic ethanol metabolite, as a cancer-causing agent. Ethanol may also stimulate carcinogenesis… Alcohol-related carcinogenesis may interact with other factors such as smoking, diet and comorbidities, and depends on genetic susceptibility.”

“Liver cancer and alcohol… Based on the association of alcohol with cancer, a International Agency for Research on Cancer working group recently deemed alcoholic beverages “carcinogenic to humans,” causally related to occurrence of malignant tumors of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colorectum, and female breast.”

“Alcohol and pancreatic cancer… heavy alcohol consumption has been known to be a major cause of chronic pancreatitis and a risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus, both of which are linked to pancreatic cancer.”

“Alcohol drinking and colorectal cancer risk: an overall and dose–response meta-analysis of published studies… The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that alcohol consumption is related to colorectal cancer (CRC)… This meta-analysis provides strong evidence for an association between alcohol drinking of >1 drink/day and colorectal cancer risk.”

“Alcohol consumption and the risk of breast cancer… Epidemiologic studies addressing the association of alcohol consumption with breast cancer consistently suggest a modest association and a dose-response relationship… Data from a variety of epidemiologic studies suggest that chronic alcohol consumption even in moderate amounts increases a woman’s risk for breast cancer… Epidemiologic data further suggest that consumption of larger amounts of alcohol is associated with a higher risk of breast cancer…  Avoiding overconsumption of alcohol is recommended, especially for women with known risk factors for breast cancer.” 

“Alcohol consumption and digestive tract cancer…  data indicating that alcohol is an important factor increasing the risk to develop gastrointestinal cancer are consolidating… Functional genetic variants of alcohol-metabolizing enzymes proved to be associated with increased risk for esophageal and gastric cancer… Alcohol overconsumption is a serious avoidable risk factor for the development of gastrointestinal tract cancer, both alone but even more in combination with other risk factors such as tobacco and obesity.”

“Cancer stem cells generated by alcohol, diabetes, and HCV”

“Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Alcohol and Breast Cancer: Update 2012… Alcohol consumption is a risk factor for cancer of various organs including the upper alimentary tract, the liver, the colorectum and the female breast… Women should not exceed one drink/day, and women at elevated risk for breast cancer should avoid alcohol or consume alcohol occasionally only.”

“Human carcinogenesis and alcohol in hepato-gastroenterology… Alcohol consumption is one of the top-10 risks for worldwide burden of disease. The International Agency for Research for Cancer affirmed that there was evidence for the carcinogenicity of ethanol in animals and classified alcohol consumption as carcinogenic for humans. Alcohol consumption causes cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, colorectum, liver, pancreas and female breast…” 

“The Burden of Cancer Attributable to Alcohol Consumption… All types of alcoholic beverages are associated with an increased risk which suggests that ethanol itself is the crucial compound which causes that effect… In our opinion, there are not enough data to support the actually safe intake of alcohol. Any level of alcohol consumption increase the risk of developing an alcohol related cancer.” 

“Tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking and risk of oral cavity cancer by subsite: results of a French population-based case-control study, the ICARE study…  Tobacco smoking increased the risk of oral cavity cancer even for the smaller quantities and durations, whereas alcohol drinking increased this risk only in heavy drinkers who were also ever smokers. The combined effect of smoking and drinking was greater than multiplicative…”

“Alcohol-Attributable Cancer Deaths and Years of Potential Life Lost in the United States. Objectives: Our goal was to provide current estimates of alcohol-attributable cancer mortality and years of potential life lost (YPLL) in the United States. Results: Alcohol consumption resulted in an estimated 18,200 to 21,300 cancer deaths, or 3.2% to 3.7% of all US cancer deaths. Conclusions: Alcohol remains a major contributor to cancer mortality and YPLL. Higher consumption increases risk but there is no safe threshold for alcohol and cancer risk. Reducing alcohol consumption is an important and underemphasized cancer prevention strategy.”

“Ethanol-mediated promotion of oesophageal carcinogenesis: association with lipid peroxidation and changes in phospholipid fatty acid profile of the target tissue… Ethanol consumption is a high risk factor for oesophageal carcinoma…  ethanol may promote carcinogenesis through excessive cell proliferation…”

“Ethanol-mediated carcinogenesis in the human esophagus implicates CYP2E1 induction and the generation of carcinogenic DNA-lesions… Chronic alcohol consumption is a major risk factor for esophageal cancer… Ethanol exerts its carcinogenic effect in the liver among others via the induction of cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) and the generation of carcinogenic etheno-DNA adducts…”

“Ethanol enhances tumor angiogenesis in vitro induced by low-dose arsenic in colon cancer cells through hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha pathway… Arsenic has been known to induce carcinogenesis and enhance tumor development via complex and unclear mechanism. Ethanol is also a well-established risk factor for many malignancies…We conclude that ethanol is able to enhance arsenic-induced tumor angiogenesis in colorectal cancer cells…”

“Ethanol-induced mast cell-mediated inflammation leads to increased susceptibility of intestinal tumorigenesis in the APC Δ468 min mouse model of colon cancer… Chronic and frequent alcohol (ethanol [EtOH]) intake has been associated with an increased incidence of several types of cancers including breast, mouth, throat, esophageal, stomach, and colorectal (CRC). The underlying mechanism of this deleterious carcinogenic effect of alcohol has not been clearly established… Our data show that chronic alcohol intake promotes: (i) intestinal tumorigenesis and tumor invasion in genetically susceptible mice; (ii) increases in polyp-associated mast cells; and (iii) mast cell-mediated tumor migration in vitro. Both our in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that mast cell-mediated inflammation could be 1 mechanism by which alcohol promotes carcinogenesis.”

“Ethanol Promotes Chemically Induced Oral Cancer in Mice through Activation of the 5-Lipoxygenase Pathway of Arachidonic Acid Metabolism… Alcohol drinking is a known risk factor for oral cancer in humans… this study clearly demonstrated that ethanol promoted 4NQO-induced oral carcinogenesis…”

“Ethanol Disrupts Vascular Endothelial Barrier: Implication in Cancer Metastasis… ethanol exposure enhances tumor progression. Ethanol exposure promotes cancer cell invasion and is implicated in tumor metastasis…Our results indicate that ethanol may facilitate cancer metastasis by disrupting the vascular endothelial barrier.”

“Ethanol Promotes Mammary Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis: the Involvement of Chemoattractant Factor MCP-1… Alcohol consumption is a risk factor for breast cancer in humans. Experimental studies indicate that alcohol exposure promotes malignant progression of mammary tumors… Ethanol promotes mammary tumor growth and metastasis… A causal role was recently attributed to inflammation in many malignant diseases, including breast cancer… It has been demonstrated that alcohol induces pro-inflammatory mediators, and enhanced inflammation may underlie many diseases or disorders caused by alcohol abuse…”

“Alcohol drinking, consumption patterns and breast cancer among Danish nurses: a cohort study… these data suggest, that weekly alcohol consumption increases the risk of breast cancer in women reporting alcohol consumption above the average for women in general. The risk is minor for moderate levels of weekly alcohol intake, but increases for each extra drink consumed. Weekend consumption and binge drinking seem to be related to an additional increased risk of breast cancer.”

“Alcohol intake, type of beverage, and risk of breast cancer in pre- and postmenopausal women… Most studies of the relation between alcohol consumption and breast cancer have shown a modestly increased risk… CONCLUSIONS: Total alcohol intake of more than 27 drinks per week increases breast cancer risk in premenopausal women independently of the type of alcohol. Among postmenopausal women, an intake of spirits of more than six drinks per week increases breast cancer risk.”

“Moderate alcohol consumption during adult life, drinking patterns, and breast cancer risk… Relative risks of developing invasive breast cancer… Low levels of alcohol consumption were associated with a small increase in breast cancer risk, with the most consistent measure being cumulative alcohol intake throughout adult life. Alcohol intake both earlier and later in adult life was independently associated with risk… higher consumption of alcohol has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer…”

“Moderate alcohol consumption and breast cancer in women: from epidemiology to mechanisms and interventions… Epidemiologic studies indicate that moderate alcohol consumption increases breast cancer risk in women… In this commentary, we focus on some recent epidemiologic studies linking moderate alcohol consumption to breast cancer risk and place the results of those studies within the framework of our current understanding of the temporal and mechanistic basis of human carcinogenesis. This analysis supports the hypothesis that alcohol acts as a weak cumulative breast carcinogen and may also be a tumor promoter.”

“Light alcohol drinking and cancer: a meta-analysis… There is convincing evidence that alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer… We evaluated the association between light drinking and cancer of the colorectum, breast, larynx, liver, esophagus, oral cavity and pharynx… CONCLUSIONS: Light drinking increases the risk of cancer of oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus and female breast.”

“Alcohol-related diseases and carcinogenesis…  Data are presented demonstrating the induction, by chronic ethanol consumption, of microsomal enzymes which convert procarcinogens to carcinogens… The hypothesis is presented that ethanol-mediated induction of enzyme systems which activate procarcinogens to carcinogens in various tissues contributes to the enhanced incidence of cancer in the alcoholic.”

“The Role of Cytochrome P450 2E1 in Ethanol-Mediated Carcinogenesis… there is increasing evidence that CYP2E1 induced by chronic alcohol consumption plays an important role in alcohol mediated carcinogenesis.” 

The Active Ingredient in Cannabis can Help Patients Regain Appetite and Sense of Taste Preventing Anorexia

“For most cancer patients it has always been thought that the only purpose cannabis provided was to act as a painkiller a recent study has suggested that it can also help the patient regain their appetite and sense of taste. If this is true for cancer patients one must wonder if it is true for AIDS patients and patients with other conditions that allow the use of cannabis as a treatment option.”


“Preventing Anorexia

In situations such as cancer and AIDS, patient’s anorexia is a common result for the lack of eating and poor nutrition. Although, anorexia is classified as a mental health condition as you can clearly see there is more than one way to become anorexic. By consuming a product (usually a dessert or candy that is made with cannabis) the patient can enjoy a delicious treat while increasing their appetites.

Possible Treatment for Anorexia

An anorexic also loses their appetite as the stomach shrinks and when food is not consumed for long periods of time the taste buds also decline. We are not suggestion people with anorexia should start smoking cannabis but further research into this area of treatment for anorexics is worth studying.


The original study is for cancer patients and the results showed an increase in the patients appetites and the study is worthy of further study for other conditions including anorexia.” 

Cannabis Cures Cancer Without Poison

cannabis oil and Cancer cures

“Isn’t it strange that doctors can legally administer poison in the form of chemotherapy and radiation as well as numerous toxic pharmaceuticals and yet one of nature’s medicines- found to greatly assist cancer patients- which can be prepared by any common person without harmful side effects, is illegal and can send a person to prison for its possession?

  There are numerous studies, now spanning the globe, revealing the miraculous healing properties of cannabis oil and its ability to cure cancers and other ailments without poisoning the body.

Cannabis oil, or Hemp oil  contains many healing benefits including a high amount of protein as well as essential fatty acids, including the harder to come by GLA’s – known to reduce inflammation and slow the growth of cancer cells.  As far as essential fatty acids go, we need a particular ratio of Omega 3, Omega 6 and GLA’s  in our body for good health.  Omega 3 comes largely from fish, Omega 6 can be found in many of our cooking oils such as olive and sunflower, but GLA is only found in a few sources such as borage oil, spirulina and hemp.  Hemp oil happens to contain the perfect 2:5:1 ratio of omega 3, 6 and GLA’s. Interesting.

As far as cancer goes, the research proof has been out there for a while…

 Cannabis oil has been shown to shrink and even cure cancers in all the studies conducted without poisoning the body. Isn’t it time to give the people a safe, legal alternative to such an ailment? Let us put aside our fears and greed and support nature in being our medicine, so she can further support us in healing.”
