“Treatment can improve appetite, ease chronic pain, and more, say TAU researchers. Though controversial, medical cannabis has been gaining ground as a valid therapy, offering relief to suffers of diseases such as cancer, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, ALS and more. The substance is known to soothe severe pain, increase the appetite, and ease insomnia where other common medications fail.”
Tag Archives: therapy
Medical Cannabis Provides Dramatic Relief for Sufferers of Chronic Ailments, Israeli Study Finds
“Though controversial, medical cannabis has been gaining ground as a valid therapy, offering relief to suffers of diseases such as cancer, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, ALS and more. The substance is known to soothe severe pain, increase the appetite, and ease insomnia where other common medications fail.”
“Overall, Klein believes that the healing powers of cannabis are close to miraculous, and has long supported an overhaul in governmental policy…”
Read more: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/01/130124123453.htm
Cannabis Oil Cures Skin Cancer
“After yesterday’s post about how cannabis oil helped a two-year old recover from a brain tumor, we thought we’d share another medical marijuana success story involving canna-oil. Cannabis Science, Inc., a pioneering U.S. biotech company developing pharmaceutical cannabis products, demonstrated yet another occurrence of medical marijuana’s important role in curing cancer. The firm issued a press release that shows cannabis extracts appeared to be effective against a patient’s third incidence of basal cell carcinoma—the most common form of cancer with over 800,000 cases occurring annually in the US.
The patient was an Australian woman from Queensland, the site of the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. She had numerous surgeries to remove previous lesions on her face including a basal cell carcinoma, but her lesions kept coming back. She then used cannabis oil topically as an alternative therapy – and it worked! Cannabis Science released a PDF that includes a series of photos that documents the disappearance of the lesion after ten days of self-administering topical cannabis extracts. They then received verbal confirmation from her physician that the sites of the former cancerous lesions are free of cancer cells.
This is an amazing recovery from this patient, however the results aren’t atypical. Over 600 peer reviewed articles show that numerous cancer types (including lung, breast, prostate, glioma, thyroid, leukemia, lymphoma, basil cell carcinoma and melanoma) are killed by cannabinoids in tissue culture and animal studies. We know that medical marijuana is effective against many diseases and ailments, including cancer—which is precisely why 15 states and Washington DC have passed medical marijuana laws allowing for the medical use of cannabis. It’s time that the rest of the country catches up. Let’s give patients the effective and safe medicine they need and deserve.”
Dronabinol for supportive therapy in patients with malignant melanoma and liver metastases.
“Loss of appetite and nausea can reduce the quality of life of patients with malignant melanoma and liver metastases. Often established antiemetic drugs fail to bring relief. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, Marinol), which is the active agent of Indian hemp, has been used successfully in this situation for other malignant tumors.
We treated 7 patients with hematogenous metastatic melanoma and liver metastases suffering from extensive loss of appetite and nausea supportively with dronabinol (Marinol. All of these patients had previously received standard antiemetic therapy without adequate relief. Dronabinol is a synthetic Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol. The drug was administered in capsule form. We evaluated the palliative effects of dronabinol with a special patient evaluation form, which was filled out at the beginning of the therapy and again after 4 weeks.
The majority of patients described a significant increase in appetite and decrease in nausea. These effects remained for some weeks, but then decreased as metastases progressed and the general condition worsened. All of the patients experienced slight to moderate dizziness, but it was not sufficiently troubling to cause interruption or termination of therapy.
Loss of appetite and nausea due to liver metastases of malignant melanoma can be treated in individual cases supportively with Dronabinol.”
Peripheral Cannabinoids Attenuate Carcinoma Induced Nociception in Mice
“Cancer pain remains poorly understood and there are no effective therapies…
We tested whether a local CBr2 agonist produces antinociception. Our findings suggest that a peripheral CBr2 agonist could provide relief for cancer patients. Cannabinoids also potentiate the analgesic effects of morphine and prevent tolerance.
These desirable effects of cannabinoids show promise for management of cancer pain and may lead to improved analgesic therapy.
These findings support the suggestion that cannabinoids are capable of producing antinociception in carcinoma-induced pain.”
Full text: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2771220/
Cannabidiol bioavailability after nasal and transdermal application: effect of permeation enhancers.
“The nonpsychoactive cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD), has great potential for the treatment of chronic and ‘breakthrough’ pain that may occur in certain conditions like cancer. To fulfill this goal, suitable noninvasive drug delivery systems need to be developed for CBD. Chronic pain relief can be best achieved through the transdermal route, whereas ‘breakthrough’ pain can be best alleviated with intranasal (IN) delivery. Combining IN and transdermal delivery for CBD may serve to provide patient needs-driven treatment in the form of a nonaddictive nonopioid therapy.
The results of this study indicated that CBD could be successfully delivered through the IN and transdermal routes.”
Medical cannabis eases pain, improves appetite
“Medical Cannabis treatment can improve appetite, ease chronic pain, and more, researchers say.
Though controversial, medical cannabis has been gaining ground as a valid therapy, offering relief to suffers of diseases such as cancer, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, ALS and more.
The substance is known to soothe severe pain, increase the appetite, and ease insomnia where other common medications fail.”
Medical cannabis can improve appetite, ease chronic pain, say researchers
“Though controversial, medical cannabis has been gaining ground as a valid therapy, offering relief to suffers of diseases such as cancer, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, ALS and more. The substance is known to soothe severe pain, increase the appetite, and ease insomnia where other common medications fail.
In 2009, Zach Klein, a graduate of Tel Aviv University’s Department of Film and Television Studies, directed the documentary Prescribed Grass. Through the process, he developed an interest in the scientific research behind medical marijuana, and now, as a specialist in policy-making surrounding medical cannabis and an MA student at TAU’s Porter School of Environmental Studies, he is conducting his own research into the benefits of medical cannabis.
Using marijuana from a farm called Tikkun Olam – a reference to the Jewish concept of healing the world – Klein and his fellow researchers tested the impact of the treatment on 19 residents of the Hadarim nursing home in Israel. The results, Klein says, have been outstanding. Not only did participants experience dramatic physical results, including healthy weight gain and the reduction of pain and tremors, but Hadarim staff saw an immediate improvement in the participants’ moods and communication skills. The use of chronic medications was also significantly reduced, he reports.”
Medical Marijuana Is Safe for Children
“Numerous cases show clinical cannabis is effective on illnesses in children”

By William Courtney, M.D. William Courtney, M.D. is CEO of Cannabis International.
“The courage and fortitude of parents who have chosen cannabis compounds to treat their children facing life-threatening illness have raised eyebrows. Some live in terror that their government will take their child away, since medical marijuana is only legal in some states. However, there are numerous cases demonstrating the benefits of clinical cannabis, which happen to threaten a very profitable healthcare industry that relies on conventional drugs, as well as political agendas.
The cannabinoid acids in cannabis have been found to have anti-proliferative, anti-neoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-epileptic, anti-ischemic, anti-diabetic, anti-psychotic, anti-nausea, anti-spasmodic, antibiotic, anti-anxiety, and anti-depressant functions. The anti-neoplastic action of cannabis—inhibiting development of malignant cells—was recognized in the 1970s and patented by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2003.
Out of 7,000 patients, my youngest, an 8-month-old, was diagnosed with a massive midbrain tumor. Pediatric oncologists recommended chemotherapy and radiation. Instead, the parents applied a cannabinoid concentrate to their son’s pacifier twice a day, which resulted in a significant reduction in the size of the tumor in 30 days. The response prevented a million-dollar chemo-radiation hospitalization. The child’s oncologist calls the infant a ‘miracle baby,’ but most medical experts would discount the case as anecdotal, unacceptable in a peer-reviewed journal. But the real peers are other parents reluctant to consent to the devastation of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation—not those benefiting from the $2.6 trillion healthcare industry.
A 2-year-old spent a year in a pediatric oncology ward, endured 39 hours of brain surgery, received chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant, and radiation under general anesthesia for 42 days, only to be discharged home on hospice and morphine. The child’s local pediatrician started to treat her with juiced raw cannabis leaf. Two years later, she is still alive, now free of cancer and scar tissue.
A 6-year-old patient with a severe, intractable form of childhood epilepsy, was tried on 11 anti-epileptics, including experimental European drugs. He was finally placed on a drug commonly used to prevent seizures, but continued having 300-400 seizures a day. An ointment produced from cannabis with an increased amount of cannabidiol, a compound patented by HHS, has reduced his seizures to one every 3-4 days.
Several years ago, I proposed that cannabis be recognized as an essential nutrient in the diet of individuals in their 30s and older. Children were excluded out of fear of backlash but it is now my incontrovertible opinion that the immune system of the 8-month-old would never have allowed the tumor to gain a foothold if supported with dietary cannabis, or Vitamin F.
We know Vitamin C deficiency results in scurvy and Vitamin D deficiency results in rickets. Vitamin F, the previous label for Omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids, is an appropriate appellation for the cannabinoid acids found in cannabis. Vitamin F deficiency allows the cell proliferation found in tumors and cancer. Three studies of over 24,000 children have shown no adverse effects from use of cannabis in pregnancy.
There is no other area in medicine where the heavy hand of federal funding and political agenda compromise valid and reproducible findings to this extent. To advance disease prevention and benign therapy, we must re-examine our preconceptions.”
Cannabinoids for Cancer Treatment: Progress and Promise
“Cannabinoid refers to a group of chemicals naturally found in the marijuana plant Cannabis sativa L. and includes compounds that are either structurally or pharmacologically similar to Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol or those that bind to the cannabinoid receptors. Although anticancer effects of cannabinoids were shown as early as 1975 in Lewis lung carcinoma, renewed interest was generated little after the discovery of the cannabinoid system and cloning of the specific cannabinoid receptors.
Cannabinoids are a class of pharmacologic compounds that offer potential applications as antitumor drugs, based on the ability of some members of this class to limit inflammation, cell proliferation, and cell survival. In particular, emerging evidence suggests that agonists of cannabinoid receptors expressed by tumor cells may offer a novel strategy to treat cancer. Here, we review recent work that raises interest in the development and exploration of potent, nontoxic, and nonhabit forming cannabinoids for cancer therapy.”
Full Text: http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/68/2/339.long