“Cannabinoids are a unique class of chemical compounds incorporating plant-derived cannabinoids (the active components of Cannabis sativa), the endogenous cannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoid ligands, and these compounds are becoming increasingly recognized for their roles in neural developmental processes.
Indeed, cannabinoids have clear modulatory roles in adult neurogenesis, likely through activation of both CB1 and CB2receptors.
In recent years a large body of literature has deciphered the signalling networks involved in cannabinoid-mediated regulation of neurogenesis. This timely review summarises the evidence that the cannabinoid system is intricately associated with neuronal differentiation and maturation of NPCs, and highlights intrinsic/extrinsic signalling mechanisms that are cannabinoid targets.
Overall these findings identify the central role of the cannabinoid system in adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus and the lateral ventricles, and hence provide insight into the processes underlying post-developmental neurogenesis in the mammalian brain.”