Tommy Chong: Marijuana Legalization Boosts Economy, Weed Cures Prostate Cancer, According To Cheech’s Friend – But How? [REPORT]

“Tommy Chong and his partner Richard “Cheech” Marin have built an entire career out of stoner comedy and marijuana-centric counterculture jokes, but now Tommy Chong is getting a little more serious about marijuana legalization and politics than he ever did before in Cheech & Chong’s 42-year entertainment career.”

Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin (Image: Reuters)

“Tommy Chong, 74, is a public advocate for the legalization of marijuana. He believes legalizing the drug on a federal level would bring about “numerous benefits,” including giving a lift to the U.S. economy – if the plant were to be taxed, of course.

In addition to the benefits to the economy, Tommy Chong believes in potential medical uses – medical uses that have been proven to the point where several states have legalized the drug. Almost 20 states have passed laws supporting the legalization of medical marijuana (with 12 states pending legislation!) Colorado and Washington have now totally legalized it.

Tommy Chong has personal ties to the medical usage of marijuana. Last June, Chong announced that he was suffering with stage one prostate cancer. However, he decided to forego traditional medicine and instead decided to overhaul his diet and lifestyle.

And now, Tommy Chong is cancer-free.”


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